Midoriya Izuku x Reader: Worth It

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Old request for Midoriya and a shy reader. For this oneshot the reader will have the all of the abilities a fly has, like super vision and small wings. Hope you enjoy!

Midoriya was improving so quickly and he just revealed his new special move "Full Cowl" to the entire class. But there was no way you were going to fall behind him, even if your timid nature sometimes got the best of you.

So when he invited you to train with him of course you had agreed. You needed to work on your flying ability and since Midoriya was so agile, he would be the perfect opponent.

The two of you decided to meet at the training place where you guys worked on your special moves. You arrived early to warm up.

Using your super vision made you a bit nauseous sometimes, so you tried to nullify that by only looking at one thing.

You must have looked like a psycho to Midoriya who walked in right when you were staring intently at your foot. "U-Um y/n...am I interrupting something?" He tentatively asked you.

You immediately deactivated your fly vision which made your head spin. "No, I was just trying not to throw up."

"Ah, because of your fly vision right? Your quirk is so cool y/n! It has so many uses! It's a lot like Tsuyu's in that way." He said with a bright smile. "I wrote all about it in my notebook, but I could barely fit all of the uses on one page."

You felt your face grow warm because of what he was saying. "Oh please, your quirk is a lot cooler looking. And you don't have to grow ugly wings out of your back too...ugh."

Midoriya's lips pulled into a little frown when you said that. "R-Really? I think your wings are really nice looking, they kind of look like glass."

There was a quick beat of silence until you finally gathered your senses enough so you could thank him. "L-Let's just get to training Midoriya." You said, trying to figure out a way for him to not see your blushing face.

"S-Sure thing." He stammered, obviously embarrassed to but you weren't really sure why he would be. He wasn't the one with the super obvious crush.

You stretched your arms a bit more did some more toe-touches too. "So what were you thinking of doing? A sparring session or something else?"

Midoriya hummed. "Well actually I wanted to see if we could combine our quirks together? L-Like if we were a hero team or something what would our special moves be? I want to come up with a special move...if that's ok."

You opened your mouth in surprise. "Y-Yeah that's fine. You want to be a hero team with me?"

"Well yeah of course." He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. Your mind raced with what to say back to him but you noticed that his freckled cheeks had a red tint on them. Was he blushing like you too?

Why would he be embarrassed? I'm the one who should be flustered! 

"A-Alright...I would like to be on a hero team with you two. That would be pretty badass!" You said with slightly more confidence than usual. Midoriya smiled, his incredibly radiant smile making your heart do somersaults in your chest. There was no way one person could emit such brightness, yet here he was.

He clenched his fist, his green eyes widening with excitement. "Yeah! I was thinking of a move where you hold me while you're flying and then you throw me! Then I would use my Full Cowl to kick down whatever opponent we're facing. I don't know if it'll actually work, it's just a theoretical move right now." He explained to you.

To you that move seemed overly dangerous, but you were willing to try it for him. "Sounds pretty cool...let's do it."

With Midoriya's planned explained, you willed your wings to grow out of your back. Your back had a small pocket that they folded into when they were not in use so you had to always think about folding them out before they would. Your wings had always been a source of embarrassment for you because most of your shirts had two holes in the back of them to accommodate your wings.

Oh well, if Midoriya think they're cool then that makes this a little easier, you thought to yourself as your wings came out of their hiding place. 

Sure enough Midoriya's face lit up even more when he saw your wings, which made you feel a whole lot better. "W-Where should I throw you to Midoriya? I mean it's not like there are any villains around."

"I think maybe at one of the smaller rock pillars? To see if I can break through it, which would also be useful for rescue missions."

"Ok," you said, your feet lifting off the ground as your wings flitted back and forth, "grab my hands."

Midoriya nodded, his hands fitting perfectly in your own and you lifted him up. You eyed at some of the small pillars around you two and you decided to throw him at one near the corner of the room.    

"Try to break through the one in the corner Midoriya!" You shouted.

Midoriya gave the ok with a thumbs up and you picked up even more speed before throwing him feet first at the pillar. His body gave off what you could only describe as electrical green sparks before he swung his left leg and kicked at the stone structure. It cracked into a million pieces and Midoriya landed on the ground next to it with a thud.

You flew above him and retracted your wings so you could land too. You hit the ground running towards him with a huge smile on your face. "That was awesome Midoriya! It really worked! I can't believe it really worked!" You exclaimed. In a moment of pure joy you wrapped your arms around the green haired boy and enveloped him in a tight hug.

Midoriya nearly squeaked in surprise at the sudden contact but his arms wrapped around you anyway. You pulled away a little bit, your faces mere inches apart. "U-Um, I...this is awkward. I was just really excited."

"I-I know." Midoriya stammered before giving you a small smile. Your eyes flitted over his soft looking lips until you just decided to go for it.

Your lips pressed against his in a quick kiss that was over before you knew it, but it made your heart race uncontrollably all the same. Midoriya froze in your arms, his green eyes locked in a far away stare like he was dazed.

You gulped down. "M-Midoriya... I'm s-sorry I--"

"D-Don't apologize y/n. B-Because then it's like you're saying t-that was a mistake...and I don't think it was." Midoriya interjected, his eyes brightening and locking onto your own. "Unless you think it was a mistake?"

"No...I've b-been trying to work up the courage to do that for so long." You told him in a quiet voice. "Ha...sorry it took me so long."

"I think it was worth it y/n." Midoriya said, kissing both your cheeks and your forehead, his lips pressing against your skin in the most tender way. "S-Sorry it took me so long to do this too."

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