Tensei Iida x Reader: Recovery

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Very interesting request for Tensei: The reader takes the brunt of Stain's attack instead of Tensei and emotions ensue lol. But don't worry everyone this is mild angst, so it has a happy ending. For this oneshot the reader will have the ability to control sand. Enjoy!

"Squad A. go north right now, we need more people on that side!" Tensei said into his communication device in his helmet. He was running quickly down the sidewalk with you right behind him. Suddenly Tensei skidded to a stop and started running the other way. "What the hell was that?" He asked, using his quirk to jump over the building nearby and land in the alley next to it.

Sometimes he was really hard to keep up with! 

"Tensei wait!" You shouted, following him as fast as you could. You heard Tensei shouting loudly when you came within earshot of the alleyway.

"I've found you! Hero Killer Stain!"

Your blood ran cold. The Hero Killer was here right now, you and Tensei had no backup yet, and he probably knew what Tensei's quirk was.

But he doesn't know I'm here! I'll finish this quickly if I can!

As soon as you got to the entry of the alley, you opened the two bags of sand that were strapped to your belt and covered the Hero Killer's entire head with it. You didn't even care if he suffocated, as long as you stopped him. He took a few steps back but he kept his grip on the katana in his right hand.

Tensei gasped at your seemingly successful sneak attack. "Nice work y/n!" He said and you grinned. 

"Just doing my part." You replied, concentrating all of your energy on keeping Stain controlled. He stopped struggling after a few seconds and Tensei backed away a little bit.

"You think he's passed out--?"

The moment Tensei spoke Stain bolted towards him, swinging his sword and slashing at the air in an effort to hit Tensei. So he had trained his ear to recognize where people were even if he couldn't see them. 

"Look out!" You cried, moving some of the sand to Stain's right hand. If you could just make him let go of the sword then it would be an easier fight!

Tensei dodged the attacks and used his quirk to put some distance between him and Stain. Once you moved the sand to his hand and loosened his grip, Stain turned towards you. One red eye was left uncovered by your sand and he stared at you. The frenzied expression in his eye sent shivers down your spine but you refused to back down to him.

"Come and get it." You said, preparing yourself for an attack. Stain rushed forward and you covered your arms with sand, creating two large claws for yourself, and grabbed him by the shirt. You lifted him up and slammed him down on the ground.

A flash of silver metal caught your eye and you quickly stepped away as Stain tried to stab you with a throwing knife. Stain got back up on his feet, but Tensei came up behind him and kicked his legs with such strength that it must have caused more than a fracture for Stain. "You selfish hero! You're nothing!" Stain yelled, and he kicked Tensei right in the ribs.

"No!" You moved in between the two of them just as Stain's knife came slashing down. 

Everything after that was a blur for you. You remember Tensei's panicked voice calling out your name, along with Stain's eerily calm one.

"Looks like they took the hit for you. That's too bad, they might have been a great hero."

These were the words the Hero Killer left you with. A few days later you woke up in the hospital after undergoing emergency surgery. 

You were still extremely exhausted when the doctor explained to you that you might never fully recover from this wound. The knife strike started from the top of your shoulder to your hip, you could barely move without feeling pain.

It was too much.

You were in and out of consciousness for the course of a week after your injury but every time you opened your eyes, Tensei was there by your side. Dark circles were under his eyes and his usually neat blue hair was messy and looked like it hadn't been washed in days. He claimed he was getting enough sleep but you knew better.

Once your condition had truly stabilized, you and Tensei talked for hours in the hospital. "Tensei...whatever happens...don't blame yourself for this. I wanted to protect you." You said to him during one of your conversations. Tensei gulped, casting his eyes downwards.

"I wanted to protect you too though! I should've...damn it I should've protected you instead!" Tensei shouted. You were silent while he ranted out his emotions. "Seeing you get hurt because of my mistake was awful."

"I know it was awful." You said. Tensei opened his mouth then closed it like he was not sure what to say anymore. "But it's alright."


"Yes it is. I chose to protect you because I love you. I didn't even hesitate and you can't blame yourself for my decision. It's not fair to you and it's not fair to me either."

Tensei was quiet for a moment. "A-Alright. I won't blame myself...I won't."

You gave him a half-hearted smile and reached up to cup his cheek in your hand. He gazed down at you. "Good."      


Three weeks later

You were still in the hospital, but now you were in physical therapy. Plus you and Tensei had been doing leg stretches so you would not experience muscle atrophy but no one said it was painless.

"You're doing great y/n, just try to lift your leg a little higher." Tensei encouraged, his strong hands holding your leg steady as you tried to lift it. You gritted your teeth and lifted it a bit higher before gasping and letting your leg fall flat on the hospital bed.

Tensei shifted over to your side and pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead. "That was great y/n, you're improving so quickly. It's amazing."

You sighed and reached over to hold his hand. Your fingers intertwined with each other and silence filled the room. "I'm tired." You finally said. Tensei's dark blue eyes filled with what looked like sadness before he composed himself and gave you a small smile.

"Do you want me to get you some food first?" He asked, and you knew that he was just worried about you. But you did not want him to be.

"No, I'm fine. Today's just a bad day Tensei, I feel really worn out." You said, giving his hand a squeeze. Tensei nodded in understanding.

"Tomorrow will be better. I'm sure of it." Tensei said in a hushed voice that was full of nothing but tenderness for you and you felt it. He was so nice. Tomorrow you were going to push yourself more, for the both of you.

"I know. Can you hold me for a bit?" You asked and he nodded. He squeezed himself into the space between the armrest of the bed and you rested your head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of your head and you closed your eyes.

Tomorrow would be better, that was the promise you made yourself. It had to be better.    

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