Midoriya Izuku x Pro-Hero!Reader: Falling for You

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This is a request piece for Midoriya and a pro hero reader! But the reader is the same age as everyone in Class 1-A. I chose the quirk for this oneshot and I'm very proud of it ^_^ This was requested a long time ago too so I apologize. Enjoy!

"This is a quirk unlike any I've seen."

That was the first thing the doctor told you and your parents when they had brought you in to see if you would have a quirk. You were five years old at the time but your quirk didn't seem to be manifesting at all. Since both of your parents were quirkless too, the chances of you having a quirk was extremely low.

But the doctor told you that you had miraculously inherited a quirk, and a quite powerful one at that.

"Y/n...your quirk is an emitter type quirk and it's really amazing. You can control small amounts of electricity but I understand why it was hard to realize that it was manifesting. Y/n, have you ever had people freeze in front of you? Like they just stop moving?" the doctor asked, and your parents exchanged worried glances.

"Yes. But only when I look at their face." you said.

"What does that mean? How can an electrical quirk make people stop moving if y/n is not emitting large amounts of electricity?" your mom asked.

"Because y/n is controlling the electrical firing of neurons in our brain which can cause all sorts of problems for someone. Y/n could cause brain damage, schizophrenic-like symptoms, paralysis, you name it. Without our neurons working properly we are pretty helpless." the doctor explained, seemingly growing more excited. "It's incredible really, there are a lot of things that could be helped with y/n's quirk. In the medical field, in the pro hero field--"

"Hero field? I can be a hero?" you asked, you eyes wide with sudden excitement. You had never imagined that being a pro hero would ever be a path you could take but if it was an option now because of your late blooming quirk then...

"I wanna be a hero!!"


10 years later

You were now fifteen years old, working as a pro hero on covert undercover missions. Several pros did not like putting such a young person out on the field but after seeing the power of your quirk, they stopped complaining. You were put on a fast track that gave you a special hero license that allowed you to go on missions if you were accompanied by one other pro, and you could use your quirk in emergency situations.

So, it's no surprise that U.A. High wanted to invite you to talk to their freshmen hero class about how you worked as a pro hero. Today was the day you were going to talk to them and you were going to start with Class 1-A but their teacher Aizawa was going over the talking points with you.

"I guess since you all are the same age you could start off with a joke or two. Make them comfortable."

"Uh-huh, sounds good."

"Watch out for Bakugou, the spiky haired one. He might ask you some questions and he'll want a good answer."

"Ok. Let's do this!" you exclaimed, making Aizawa sigh tiredly. "Then maybe after this we can do a hero team-up right?"

"Probably not." he deadpanned as he opened the door to the classroom. "Everyone sit down. We have a guest today, and I want you to listen to what they have to say. This is y/n and they're a pro hero."

"Hi everyone!" you said, giving the class a small wave. Your eyes scanned the room and they landed on a spiky haired redhead, who you assumed to be Bakugou. But then your eyes traveled down the row to a curly haired boy with large emerald green eyes. Your voice caught in your throat but you quickly regained your composure. "I've been a pro hero for about a year and a half now--"

"When did you get your license!?" a bubbly pink girl asked, practically jumping out of her desk in excitement. "You're so young!"

"I got my license when I was about 14 and my first mission was about a month after that."

"What's your quirk then huh? Or are you just some sort of nerd that is just there for their brains?" an angry blonde asked...his hair was spiky too.

That must be Bakugou...

"I can control small amounts of electricity at the neurological level. So I'm kind of a nerd for brains because I can control them haha."

Oh boy I guess that was my joke! Sorry Aizawa.

"That's a powerful quirk, are there any other applications to it?" the green eyed boy asked you, his voice more timid than his other classmates. He had a pen in his scarred hand, and you wondered how he got those intense wounds.

"Well medically I've been able to help people with certain disorders..."

As you talked he furiously wrote down notes, hanging on to your every word which made your heart flutter. There was something different about him but you couldn't quite put your finger on it...

After a few more students asked some questions and you explained some of the other aspects of your pro hero work, you were all dismissed for lunch. Aizawa said that you could have lunch too which made you smile with gratitude.

But your smile widened even more when you got to the cafeteria and saw the green eyed boy getting some food too. Now was your chance to talk to him more.

"Hey! Green boy, what's up?" you said loudly enough for people to turn their heads to look at you. He looked over as well and pointed to his chest as if to say 'me?'

"Pro hero y/n...are you having lunch too?" he asked when you walked closer to him.

You nodded and without thinking you said, "You were born quirkless weren't you." His eyes widened and his face paled at that, but he still managed to give you a small smile.

"H-How'd you...know t-that?"

"My parents are quirkless and I was a pretty late bloomer too, I guess you just kind of reminded me of them...and of myself." you explained. "Sorry if I caught you by surprise."

"N-No it's fine...you're really amazing though...I mean you're already a pro! It's incredible." he said, while you noticed that a bright blush was slowly settling on his cheeks.

He's really adorable!

"T-Thank you, w-we can exchange numbers if you want to. I could probably help you with pro hero things." you said, aware of how lame that sounded. But his eyes immediately lit up like the sun and he smiled widely at you.

"That sounds great! My name's Midoriya Izuku by the way...m-maybe someday we'll be able to team up." he said, already taking his phone out of his pocket. His hand trembled slightly most likely because he was nervous, so you instinctively took his hand in yours. You were used to calming other people's nerves, especially on dangerous missions but this was something different.

This was something sweeter. His bright eyes met yours and for a moment it felt like the rest of the world melted away, leaving just the two of you together.

"Yeah that'd be awesome! We'll be heroes together Midoriya!"

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