Uraraka Ochaco x Reader: Gifts

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Uravity is one of my favorite hero names tbh. It's so creative! Anyway for this oneshot the reader and Uraraka will be in their third year. Enjoy!

"Uraraka! I just had a great idea!" you exclaimed, your grip on her soft hand tightening a bit. You were walking her to her internship like usual but the walk had been in comfortable silence until now. She looked at you with her large brown eyes, smiling widely.

"What could it possibly be?" she asked.

"I can't tell you. It's a surprise."

Her lips formed a cute pout before she huffed and turned her head away. "Ah, I see how it is...my heart y/n...you're killing me. You know how much I love surprises!" She exclaimed. "Can you at least give me a hint at what it's going to be?"

"Sure...it'll be...fantastic!"

"That's not a hint!" She said, playfully bumping her shoulder against yours. "You're enjoying this way too much honey."

"Using my pet name won't make me tell you either sweetie."

"Dang it!"


You had done the math in your head. Uraraka had been an intern for about three years now and she didn't have any merchandise of her own. Ashido and Yaoyorozu had both bought shirts with their hero names on them, but Uraraka said she didn't have the money to burn on that kind of thing.

But you could tell that it was important to her, so you had ordered custom made Uravity t-shirts for you and her. You also ordered a sweet hoodie just for her!

When they arrived at your house you wasted no time with opening the package. Her hero name was displayed in cute pink bubble letters, and the shirts themselves were black. It was the exact color scheme of her hero costume!

"Damn these are so cool!" You commented, turning the shirts around so you could see the backs too. But the hoodie was the best one by far.

It looked just like her hero costume that you personally loved, with the black dots and everything, except that Uravity was printed vertically on the right sleeve. You imagined how cute she would look wearing it, and you squealed in happiness.

She'll love these for sure!

You two didn't have school the next day and your internship gave you a rare day off, but Uraraka still had to report to hers. So, like the great partner you were, you texted her and told her you'd walk her to Ryukyu's agency and pick her up when she was done for the day. She thanked you, completely unknowing to your master plan.

You threw on a casual pair of jeans that went pretty well with the Uravity shirt and headed out to your girlfriend's house. You carried the carefully folded hoodie and matching shirt under your arm, your heart beating in anticipation.

Overall she was usually the one who surprised you with thoughtful gifts even though her budget didn't necessarily make it easier for her. You were more of a grand gesture sort of person, but sprinkling in a small gift here and there certainly wasn't a bad idea in your opinion.

You practically skipped up the steps to Uraraka's house and knocked on the old door hurriedly. You hid the clothes behind your back as you said, "It's me."

"Be there in a minute!" she replied.

A few seconds passed before she opened the door, her bright beautiful smile taking your breath away. "Hey, you ready?" you asked. She nodded her head, her smile intensifying.

"Before we go I wanna show you something! You said you were going to surprise me right?" she said, her brown eyes gazing at you thoughtfully. You nodded. "Well I got you a little something...surprise!" she exclaimed, raising her hands above her head to display two blue t-shirts with your hero name on it! "They're so cute aren't they? You have one and I'll have one!"

"Aah...yeah. Wow...I don't know what to say." you stammered, your grip on the hoodie tightening. "T-Thanks sweetie."

Her face fell at your lukewarm reaction, but you just smirked. "I guess great minds do think alike." you said, holding out your own gifts to her. "I got you a hoodie though for when it's cold. So, you can let people know who you are in any weather!"

When she processed what had happened her smile was instantly back on her face and she embraced you in the tightest hug she had ever given you. "Y/n! I love them so much they're so cute!"

"Nothing compared to the real thing." you stated, heat going to your cheeks. She kissed your cheek, her lips soft and familiar to you.

"I love you y/n." she said softly. "Now I guess we have an obligation to wear them on the same day right?"

"Oh, of course!"


You didn't want to brag but around U.A. High you and Uraraka were considered a real power couple especially to the freshmen.

So when you two showed up to school in each other's shirts, Uraraka looking as cute as ever in your hero shirt, a lot of heads were turned in your direction. It felt intimidating to have so many eyes on you, but Uraraka gripped your hand tightly which calmed you down immensely. "You look really good y/n." she whispered, giving your cheek a quick kiss.

You blushed darkly but managed a grin. "So do you."

Despite U.A.'s strict uniform policy, none of your teachers said anything to you two all day, as if they all had made a pact to not go against the best U.A. power couple.

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