Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader: Jealous

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A Shinso scenario was requested with fem. reader ^_^ For this oneshot the reader will have the ability to create storms at will. Enjoy!

"Shinsou! Look at this!" you said excitedly, pointing to the small thundering storm floating above your head. The clouds were dark and small raindrops fell on the floor and made your hair damp. Shinsou gave you a thumbs up and a tiny smile.

"It's like those storms in the old cartoons y/n." he commented while you concentrated on stopping the storm altogether. Eventually the clouds dissipated and you smiled at your handiwork.

After the Sports Festival you had been training with Shinsou everyday, hoping that maybe you could both get transferred to the hero course. You would always warm up by creating small storms and then take it from there. The largest and most violent storm you had created happened on accident but it did shatter the windows of the gym and Shinsou gained multiple bruises which you thoroughly apologized for.   

"Hey Shinsou, have you thought of a hero name yet?" you asked the purple haired boy and he shook his head.

"I have! I think I wanna be called the weather hero, Mother Nature. What do you think?"

"Hmm, that's actually pretty good. But how are you so sure we'll get transferred? I mean people haven't exactly been busting down our doors to recruit us."

You smiled at him, and winked. "That doesn't mean they never will!"

And they did. At least for you.

Blood King, Eraserhead, and principal Nezu all had a meeting with you to discuss you transferring into Class 1-A.

"Now y/n, just know that we are not just transferring you because of your powerful quirk. Your grades are also important, so you must keep your grades up once you're in 1-A." Nezu said, and you nodded furiously.

"Of course principal Nezu! I will do my absolute best."

"You better." Eraserhead said in a tired voice.

"I will Eraserhead--"

"Just call me Aizawa."

"Yes sir Aizawa sir!"

Aaah! This is so cool!! Eraserhead's going to be my teacher! Man, I can't wait to tell Shinsou.

Blood King looked like he was holding back tears, as you shook his hand for the last time. "Thank you for teaching me Blood King."

"It was my honor y/n." he replied. After the meeting you had to follow Aizawa around school and draw up the logistics of your hero costume. The next day would be your first day as a hero course student!


You stood by the class 1-A door and tried to control your rapid breathing. Of course you were nervous about meeting class 1-A since they had made such a strong impression at the sports festival. What if they thought you were weak?

"Don't worry. Most of them are pretty harmless anyway." Aizawa said, looking down at you with tired eyes. You had heard about how he protected the 1-A students, and you had the utmost respect for what he had to say. "They know you hard you've worked to get here, and they'll respect that."

"Thanks. I will try to make a good impression." you said. With that Aizawa opened the door and you heard several students making loud small talk with each other. Aizawa told them all to be quiet, and he motioned at you. You breathed out and spoke to your new classmates.

"Hi, my name is y/n l/n. It's very nice to meet you all, and I'm glad I was able to transfer to your class." you said bowing your head slightly with a smile.

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