Mirio Togata x Reader: Hidden Fears

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I am so glad he's in the anime now because there is just not enough content on the Big Three! ^_^ Also, since there's no confirmation about where his scars on his arms came from, I will just make up where I think they came from. Enjoy!

"Togata how did you get that answer?"

"Hmm I divided the number by zero and then--"

"A number can't be divided by zero, because it's undefined. There's no value."

".....Well that makes more sense y/n. Thanks!"

This was how a lot of your study sessions with Togata went. He may have been ranked one of the top three students in U.A. but that didn't negate his bad grades. His less than stellar grades used to annoy you, but his shining smile was infectious and you saw how hard he worked at training his body. After you two became fast friends, you decided to help him out with studying. Every Friday afternoon, while everyone else would be at clubs or cram school, you two would go to your house and work.

You thought that Togata had the potential to have great grades, it's just that his demanding quirk took up a lot of his free time with all of the training it required.

His quirk used to absolutely terrify you. Not just the fact that he would phase through his clothes and leave nothing to the imagination, but the fact that you were worried he would phase too far in the ground and never be able to come out.

It was a silly thought and you had slowly gotten over that fear, but you still thought of it from time to time. You never told Togata your fears, but every time he beamed at you like the damn sun, you felt your chest tighten. You had never felt such an intense sadness before. You couldn't even imagine what life would be like without him.

"Y/n? You ok?" Togata's voice broke through your thoughts suddenly and you jumped slightly.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine I was just thinking...about food." you said lamely. Togata seemed to like your lame answer as he chuckled and went back to organizing his flashcards.

You shifted your eyes back and forth unsure of what to do now. Unlike Togata, you had pretty high grades and you were already done studying for now. You sighed quietly and allowed your eyes to trail over Togata's form.

He was hunched over sitting cross-legged on the floor, while you were comfortably laying on your stomach on your bed. You gazed at his bright blonde hair done up in a cute cowlick style. His cartoony oval shaped eyes were glued to his notebook as he tried to make an effort to study.

Your eyes eventually traveled down to his arms that were left uncovered by his form fitting white t-shirt. You eyed the jagged scars on his arms and you felt your chest tighten at the sight.


"Yep? What is it?" he asked, unintentionally interrupting you in the process.

"I w-was just wondering...about your scars." you said, averting your eyes swiftly. You could hear him chuckle softly and shift a little bit on the floor.

"I got them during training, you know that." he replied.

"Yeah I know how you got them, you just never told me if it was painful or anything." you explained. Ugh y/n that was such an obvious question!

"Ha! Y/n of course they hurt. I mean isn't that kinda obvious?" he asked obviously straining himself to suppress a laugh.

"I k-knew that, never mind it was a dumb question. Just forget about it Togata." you said as you sat up on your bed and walked towards the door. You needed to get out of there fast before you couldn't control yourself and your emotions anymore.

Just when your hand was on the doorknob, Togata's face appeared through the door making you sharply inhale.

"Y/n what's wrong? It's ok you can tell me..." he said, his dark blue orbs piercing your own eyes. He was smiling softly at you but it wasn't his usual beaming smile. He looked slightly worried actually.

"Jeez Togata get out of my door!" you lectured. "I'm fine, just go back to studying please."

"Y/n you're acting really weird. Let's talk about it."

"No!" you yelled out as you forcefully opened the door with Togata still half inside it.

"Woah! Y/n stop, hang on a minute!" he exclaimed as you roughly moved the door forward and then back. He lost his footing and fell backwards, as you swung the door back and forth. As he fell, his hand reached out and grabbed your wrist in an effort to steady himself. Instead, he brought you down with him onto the floor of the hallway. You closed your eyes, waiting for the rough landing.

You landed on top of Togata with a grunt as he cushioned your landing somewhat with his body. You opened your eyes and Togata's eyes were the first thing you saw. You felt a strong squeezing sensation around your body, which you immediately realized were his strong arms wrapped around your body protectively.

"Sorry for making you fall too y/n." he said smiling at you with closed eyes. You felt heat travel to your face as you felt your hands on his sturdy bare chest.

Wait a minute...he phased a lot of his body, through my door. Then that means...

"Togata! Y-you're n-naked!!!" you screamed immediately shooting up. You were straddling Togata now which just made your face feel like it was on fire. You quickly rolled off of Togata and covered your eyes with your hands as you kneeled on the floor.

"Sorry y/n!!" Togata shrieked as he ran into your room to retrieve his clothes. He slammed the door shut, and you waited on the floor for him to come out.

You eventually heard the door open and Togata shuffle out. You removed your hands from your face as Togata knelt in front of you. His face was a deep red and he was bowing his head.

"Y/n I'm deeply sorry...for that uh, little tiny, uhm mishap." he mumbled to you softly.

You tried to form words but your breath hitched in your throat. C'mon y/n just tell him what's wrong!

"Togata...I've been having these thoughts lately. Well actually to be honest, ever since I met you I've had these thoughts." you explained. "They're not good thoughts, they're fears Togata. I fear that you'll get hurt when you're fighting villains, I fear that one day you won't come back!"


"I just want to make sure that you're safe out there you know? It's scary to think about..." you continued while Togata looked at you, his smile had faded away. You looked down and played with your hands as you waited for him to speak.

"Y/n...I can't promise you anything," Togata started to say, and your heart dropped for a second, "but I will always try my best to make sure I come back to you every time! I can promise you that y/n."

Your eyes widened as he tightly clutched your hands with his and pressed them to his soft lips. His smile had returned as he playfully kissed your knuckles. You chuckled quietly and he smiled bashfully. He always loved making you laugh.

"Thank you...Mirio." you said as you simultaneously leaned over and pecked his cheek. He was impossibly warm and when you pulled back, his face was covered in a fierce blush.

"Uhm...n-no problem y/n."

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