Inasa Yoarashi x Reader: Debut

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Inasa was requested and since he has just returned in the manga I thought this was awesome timing! I aged Inasa and the reader up to about 20 ish. Also, the wiki said that his hero name is "Gale" and I have personally never heard anyone use that word for wind but ok lol. For this oneshot, the reader will have the ability to...see in the dark (wow!!). Enjoy!

Yawning you changed the channel again, hoping that with enough patience and willpower, you would be able to find something interesting to watch. You ended up staying on the news channel and watched the news anchors trying to keep their footing while they tried to film from the outside.

The wind was whipping around them and they struggled to hold on to their microphones. "A-As you can see...Gale's debut is very intense!" a female anchor struggled to say as her hair blew around wildly. You whistled at the sheer intensity of the wind, wondering what kind of person could wield such a powerful quirk.

But as you looked closer, you realized that Gale and the news anchors were actually pretty close to where you lived. 

Cool! Maybe I can see them from here, you thought as you practically ran to the living room window and forced it open. Ever since you were little you always loved watching heroes battle it out with villains, and now you had a front row seat from your apartment!

As soon as you opened the window a huge gust of wind blew past you, nearly knocking you over. You glanced at the t.v behind you and noticed that the screen was becoming fuzzy.

"Oh no...wait!"

Almost immediately the electricity went out in your apartment, accompanied by a huge gust of wind, and you were left in the dark.


Four hours later 

"Yes, I know that I can see in the dark...but the entire building has been out for like four hours and you called and told me that this would be resolved in half an hour. I have food in the fridge...ok...yes I'll hold," you said exasperated, leaning against your kitchen counter. Your phone was nearly dead and you began to get very nervous. So, you just hung up.

"Great...I'm bored now!" you yelled out throwing your hands up in the air in frustration. If you used your quirk too much you got headaches, so this darkness was becoming extremely annoying. You paced back and forth for a while before finally settling down on your couch with a book.

Only a few minutes passed before you heard a loud knock at the door and you jumped in your place. "W-Who is it?"

"My name is Inasa Yoarashi, the wind hero Gale! I would like to--"

Before he could even finish his sentence you unlocked and yanked the door open, your anger already simmering at a steady pace.

"Gale! What a coincidence huh? You fight a villain and then suddenly the lights go out. If you were a little bit more careful then...then...uuh." your voice trailed off as your eyes looked over the wind hero and took in what he looked like. 

He was tall and athletic-looking, with kind dark eyes. His black hair was kept in a simple buzz cut, which you found very practical and appealing. 

All in all, he was surprisingly handsome and you were definitely caught off guard by him. "U-Uh, have food in the fridge!!" you spluttered out, your face growing warm. You were glad that he wasn't the one with night vision or else he would see how embarrassed you looked right now.

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