Inasa Yoayorashi x Reader: Debut (Part 2)

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Part 2 was requested for the first Inasa oneshot I wrote! This will just be a direct continuation so if you want you can read the first part...or you don't have to but you might be a little confused. Enjoy!

Inasa kept in contact with you often and every time he called or texted, you felt a rush of happiness overtake you. He even made a point to come to your apartment and visit just because he wanted to see you.

You had to be honest with yourself. You were falling for the wind hero hard and you didn't mind at all. But you weren't sure if he felt the same way, or if he just felt obligated to see you after his little mishap that fateful day.


Inasa couldn't get you out of his mind and it was becoming a real distraction for him. He would see you everywhere he went. He imagined you smiling at him whenever he caught a villain, and he knew he had to be a man about this.

Confessing his feelings would make him feel better even though he was terrified of you rejecting him. But he wasn't going to let fear dictate his feelings especially when they were this strong.

Today was the day he would tell you how he really feels. He had already decided it!


You checked your phone for the third time in the past three minutes, totally not trying to see if Inasa had texted you yet. He didn't. You sighed, slowly putting your phone away. The sun was already setting and you figured Inasa wouldn't come over today. He was a busy pro hero after all, his schedule was pretty hectic.

You decided to make some dinner and go to bed early, since you would have to be up early for work tomorrow. It feels like a pasta night, you thought to yourself. You got a pot of water going for the pasta, when you heard a loud knock on the door.

You poked your head out of the kitchen and yelled, "Who is it?"

"It's me! I got something to say!!" Inasa bellowed, and you felt a smile immediately tug at your lips. You practically ran towards the door, opening it with a smile.

"Hey I was just gonna--" you started to say, but Inasa put a finger to your lips and winked. You raised an eyebrow, as Inasa just smiled back at you.

"Sorry y/n! I just really need to say this right now because if I don't say how I feel I might not ever say it!" he said, his finger still pressing down on your lips. You nodded slowly, your eyes gazing into his serious dark ones. "I n-need to say...that I'm in love with you! I have...major feelings for you and I-I want to take you on a date. Anywhere you want we'll go...what do ya say?"

"Mmmphph!" you tried to say, despite Inasa's finger on your lips. His eyes widened in realization and he immediately retracted his finger to let you talk. "I-I like you too Inasa!" you exclaimed, your heart racing fast. "But damn it I wanted to be the first one to confess!!" you shouted.

His mouth dropped open, his eyebrows raised in shock. "I'm s-sorry y/n. I just I felt that the timing was right."

"Me too! I always think about you because you're so brave and nice and handsome! You're like really handsome..."


"So, your question. I would love to go out with you. But I will plan it since I didn't get to confess first!" You said, your cheeks burning hot.

Inasa nodded and said, "It's a deal then!"


You squinted your eyes, eyeing the restaurant you had chosen for the date. It looked a lot better online that was for sure. You hadn't been waiting long before you heard a loud and cheery voice call your name.

"Y/n!! Sorry I'm a little late!" Inasa called out, waving his hands in the air wildly. "There was a situation downtown."

You smiled softly at him and shook your head. "It's completely fine. I know it must be hard being a pro hero...both of my parents were."

"Woah! You never told me that. That's super cool!" Inasa said, linking his arm with yours as he lead you into the restaurant.

"Eh, they were minor heroes, but they still didn't have a lot of free time." you replied, blushing slightly at Inasa. He was so close to you and he didn't even seem to mind!

You two sat down at a booth and quickly ordered drinks, but you needed some time to choose what to order for a meal. "I want something warm...maybe something spicy too!" Inasa said his eyes scanning the menu.

"Same." you said. But truthfully you weren't even looking at the menu. You were completely distracted by how soft Inasa's lips looked in the dim light of the restaurant, and you felt compelled to kiss him passionately. Was it too soon though? No, you didn't think he would mind it. "I-Inasa?" you asked your voice coming out hushed and nervous.

"Yes?" he said.

"I-Is it too early to...kiss you?"

Inasa froze for a moment, before his dark eyes twinkled and he clutched his stomach as he loud laughs wracked his body. You rubbed the back of your neck, thinking that you had blown it already!

He calmed down quickly and wiped some stray tears away from his eyes. "Y/'re too damn cute sometimes ya know that!" He exclaimed giving you a huge smile which you immediately returned.

"I-I didn't know that Inasa...but I will take that as a yes." you muttered, leaning over the table and planting a chaste kiss on his lips.

"Damn. That didn't get my blood pumpin' enough!" Inasa proclaimed, shooting up from his seat and sitting down on your side of the booth. "Let's kiss like we both mean it!"

"Sure!" you said, louder than you meant to but it didn't matter since Inasa's lips claimed yours before you could say anything else. Your heart pounded, and you wondered if he could hear just how loud it was. He hummed, pressing his lips on yours harder, but not too rough.

"A-Are you two ready to order?" a timid voice said, and you pulled away from Inasa slowly. Inasa side-eyed the waiter and smiled.

"No, I think we just need a few more minutes."

"Alright." the waiter said, an all-knowing look in his eyes. He walked back to the kitchen and your body shook with laughter.

"Pfft!! I guess we just have a few minutes huh?" you tried to say through your laughter. Inasa nodded, the playfulness in his eyes replaced by mock seriousness.

"We'll have to order really fast so we can kiss some more!!" he said, wrapping his arms around your waist. His hands squeezed your sides gently as you broke into another fit of laughter. It took you both more than a few minutes to order, but it was definitely worth it. 

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