Sekijiro Kan x Reader: Quirky

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Blood hero Vlad King was requested, and I am super excited to write for him. I love his quirk so much, it's so cool! Anyway specific to the request, the reader and Kan will have a kid with a blood quirk as well. I think that would be scary for a parent to see their kid manifest a blood quirk so I wrote about that. Domestic fluff ahead! Enjoy!

After your daughter was born in the late summer, Kan warned you about how his quirk had manifested just in case she had his quirk. He told you that when he was little he got a paper cut but tons of blood spurted out of it and he found out he could control the blood on the outside of his body.

It was a great day for him, but not so much for his worried parents who had just witnessed their son's blood violently rush from out of his body and out into the open air.

But you thought you were different. You had been a sidekick for years now so of course you had seen your fair share of battles and injuries. You assured your husband that you would be able to handle it if you were the one to see little Yuna manifest her quirk.

It had started off like a normal day. Kan went to work at U.A. High and you stayed home for a few hours before you had to head off to work and leave Yuna with a babysitter. She was four now, so not old enough to go to school but she was old enough to stay with a babysitter.

You made breakfast for the two of you and she soon demanded that you read her her favorite book, Goodnight Moon. You tried to explain to her that it was more of a bedtime story but she was not listening. Finally you relented and you two sat down on the couch, her in your lap and your feet reclined on the green ottoman.

"Alright here we go, don't get too sleepy on me sweetie pie. In the great green there was a telephone and a red balloon and a picture of the cow jumping over the moon--" You started to read, but you felt Yuna stiffen her body suddenly.

"Ah!" Yuna cried out like she was surprised about something. She jolted in her place and practically flew off your lap. "M-Mommy!" She screamed as she sat down on the floor, her tiny hands shaking a bit.

You bent down to her eye level, trying to asses the situation as best you could. "Does something hurt? Point to where it hurts."

"Here!" She said, pointing to her right arm. You gently held her arm and noticed that there were several red dots forming around it. You recognized it immediately.

Oh no, it's happening.

"Just hang on sweetie, I need to call Papa alright." You told her. She nodded furiously and you rushed to get your cellphone from your room. You dialed Kan's number and it only rang a few times before he picked up.

"Hey, you caught me at a good time I'm--"

"Sekijiro, Yuna's quirk is coming out! What do I do again?" You said, running a shaky hand through your hair. You walked back to the living room so you could comfort your daughter and talk to him at the same time. You sat down cross-legged on the floor and Yuna jumped back in your lap. "She seems fine now, but is blood just going to start spurting out of these red dots on her body? Should I--ah I don't know."

"I'll be there in a few minutes." Was his short reply, and before you could retort and tell him that was not necessary he had already hung up the phone. You put the phone down.

Yuna stayed still on your lap and you rubbed soothing circles with your hand on the top of her head. The two of you were silent until you heard the door unlock and your husband rush inside to the living room. His spiky silver hair looked disheveled and his sharp red eyes were blown wide. He looked like a deer in the headlights.

"Y/n, how's she doing?" He asked, squatting down on the floor next to you two. "Any pain?"

"No, no. It was just scary having all of them appear like that. Sorry, you didn't have to come here." You said, but Kan shook his hand dismissively.

"I wanted to come here, this is an important step. I didn't want to miss it." You smiled at this and kissed his cheek, your lips pressing against his small X shaped scar. He closed his eyes like he was relishing in the sweet contact. "Y/n, I think she's asleep."

"W-What?" You said, your eyes traveling down to your lap. Yuna was indeed fast asleep, you must have relaxed her right to sleep. "Now what?" You whispered.

Kan chuckled lowly and quietly leaned down to press a gentle kiss on the side of Yuna's head. She stirred a bit but did not wake up. "Nothing, let's just let her sleep. I can miss one day of work."

"Me too."

Kan grinned. "Well then, looks like it's decided."


Kan carried Yuna to her room and tucked her in but she woke up after about twenty minutes, and she demanded to first know where her babysitter. Her next concern was lunch but you assured her that lunch would be on schedule and that she would be spending the day with you and Kan.

This seemed to excite her, she jumped out of bed immediately and ran up to Kan. She stared at him with her large red eyes that were so much like his, and he smiled down at her. "Papa! Papa! Show me my quirk! I wanna use it!" She exclaimed with a smile so bright it rivaled the sun itself. Kan playfully mussed her hair which made it stick out in multiple directions.

"Maybe after a few days. We must be patient, or else you might get really tired from using it." He told her and she pouted.

"Why?" She asked.

"Because it's a little dangerous." Kan said.


"It uses your own blood, which can be dangerous."

Yuna narrowed her eyes at this. "Wh--"

"Yuna, you know why. Just be patient alright?" You interjected, with a tone that told her to stop asking why over and over again. She nodded her head and did not continue. But her smile didn't falter at all.

"I'm gonna be strong! Like you Papa!" She said, throwing her tiny fist in the air. Kan whisked her up in his arms and spun around with her. She shrieked in joy, it was the closest thing to flying for her after all.

"You're going to be a great hero Yuna. You'll be amazing!"

You looked over at the two of them and your heart practically soared with love. Now that her quirk had manifested, there would be a lot of hard work ahead if she was going to be a hero. But as long as you had each other then nothing would be out of reach for her.    

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