Denki Kaminari x Reader: First Date

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This is a request piece that I immediately felt inspired to write lol. It will kind of be a continuation of my other Kaminari oneshot so it will be a fem reader just because that's how the other oneshot was. Enjoy!

Don't be nervous y/'s just a date. With Kaminari. Just the two of us. Together!

You scrutinized your outfit in the mirror. Was your dress too formal? Should you bring a jacket in case it rains? You should bring extra money in your purse just in case right?

You groaned loudly and decided to just stop overthinking this. You and Kaminari had hung out alone together a lot since you two met at the beach. Before you left the beach that day, you two had exchanged numbers and had made hung out whenever you both were free.

This date was Kaminari's idea, but even though you had agreed to it, it seemed to add pressure. You wanted the day to go perfectly. You actually wanted to impress Kaminari. You decided not to bring a jacket, and you rushed out the door hurriedly.

Kaminari had texted you the restaurant address yesterday and you could fell your stomach start to churn. What if it's a terrible first date and he never wants to see me again? You frowned at that thought as you walked up to the restaurant. You pulled out your phone and prepared to text Kaminari that you had arrived before you heard a sharp whistle behind you.

"Wow y/n! You look...s-stunning." Kaminari told you, as a faint blush evident on his face. You felt yourself relax instantly as you thanked him and you two walked into the restaurant.

The lunch started with a short awkward silence, before Kaminari joked with you to ease the tension. Soon you two were lost in conversation and slight debate even after the food arrived.

"No freakin' way! You think the Hero Killer is cool!? But you're a U.A. student Kaminari, shouldn't you be against that sort of thing?"

Kaminari paused before saying, "I mean the video made him look really cool, you know. It was slick editing. Did you see the video?"

"Nah, I didn't want to add views to a video of that murderer." you responded to him bluntly. You twisted your hair with your finger as you relished in the sight of Kaminari trying to come up with something cool to say after your abrupt response. Hmm it seems like he is more nervous than me...

After lunch you two decided to walk around the neighborhood for a bit. The neighborhood you two were in was nice, with lots of old trees and quaint houses. Flowers were springing up from the cracks in the sidewalk which made you smile to yourself.

As you two walked your hands brushed together multiple times, which made your heart beat faster than you thought was humanly possible. You glanced at Kaminari, a few times and noticed his face was a bright red. You two walked in comfortable silence for a while until you decided to take the lead.

You sneakily grabbed Kaminari's hand and held it tightly in your own. His hand was a little cold but you eventually warmed it with your own. Kaminari kept on looking straight ahead as you two kept walking along the uneven sidewalk.


"I'm really glad that we did this today Kaminari. It's been a lot of fun. I was actually pretty nervous though, before the date started I mean, but it was really great!" you said, your grip on his hand tightening slightly. You felt extremely happy to just be so close to him, you began to wonder if he felt the same...

"Y/n, c-can I k-kiss you?" he asked as he let go of your hand. You turned to look at his face, his question still ringing in your ears. He was looking at you square in the eyes, his yellow eyes shining with a seriousness that you didn't know he was capable of.

" can." you breathed as you stopped walking. He leaned closer to you slowly and crashed his lips against yours. You gasped quietly as you melted into the slightly sloppy kiss. He pulled you closer towards him, wrapping his arms around your body, until you two were practically hugging.

He broke the kiss only to lean forward again to reclaim your lips, gentler this time. Your fingers traveled through his soft yellow hair, and you felt him shudder faintly at your touch.

You pulled away and looked at Kaminari with wonder. He was flushed and his breathing seemed more rapid than before but he was smiling softly too.

You pulled him in again to peck his cheek as he gazed at you with loving bright eyes. After you kissed his cheek he embraced you again and buried his face in the crook of your neck. You could feel his impossibly warm breath tickle the sensitive skin of your neck as you wrapped your arms around his lower back.

After what seemed like forever, Kaminari let go of you and took a tiny step back. A silly smile still adorned his face though, which made you suppress a laugh. He looks so damn cute!

"Y/n...that was...v-very...good." he said stumbling over his words, his face still flushed slightly. You smiled widely and reached down to take hold of his hand again. You laced your fingers between his and said, "Yeah it was alright, but I didn't really feel a spark. Maybe you could try it a second time." you said to him slyly as you wrapped your arms around his back.

"Jeez y/n...if I have to I guess I will." he said jokingly as he leaned down to place another sweet kiss on your lips.

"Thanks, you're my hero Denki."

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