Sir Nighteye x Reader: Laugh

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My first Sir Nighteye request ever! I'm so happy I got this request, but I apologize for the wait ^_^ For this request the scenario is if the reader ever got Nighteye to laugh then they would go on a date. Enjoy!

Working as a sidekick with Sir Nitgheye had its ups and downs. He was very eccentric which made some of the moments in the office surreal. The tickle machine that he used on you and Bubble Girl to make you laugh was definitely one of the weird things in the office.

But despite how strange Nighteye was to work for, you found yourself growing fond of him with each day that passed. He infiltrated your thoughts all the time and your feelings amplified when he was near you. When he would lean in a little too close to you to see if you were filing the paperwork correctly your heart would always skip a beat. Or when he would look at you when you laughed and a little smile would pull at his lips like he was proud of himself for making you happy.

You were nervous telling him the truth about how you felt because he was your boss. There was no way anything between you two would work out well, and you didn't have to tell the future like he did to know that. 

Your resolve alone couldn't make your feelings for him go away though. It was like you were stuck between a rock and a hard place with this situation. It was beyond frustrating.

One day when Bubble Girl had left the office to go get you all something to eat, it was just you and Nighteye in the office. He was staring at his laptop and looked very busy.

He's probably just watching old All Might footage again, you thought as you thumbed through the paperwork for a recent case you were on. Maybe I should ask him if he needs help with anything.

You walked over to his door and knocked once on it. "Nighteye do you need any help?"

"Not right now, thank you though." He replied, still staring at his computer with unblinking eyes. "Do you want to see this?"

"See what?" You asked him as you went over to his desk and looked over his shoulder. "It's a video of All Might isn't it?"

He paused. "Yes, it is. How'd you know that?"

"N-No reason." You replied with a smile before you began looking at the video of All Might who was in his prime, defeating eight villains on his own. One after the other fell after he hit them with only one punch. No wonder Nighteye looked up to him so much. Being All Might's sidekick must have been incredible. "He's so amazing! I wish I could get super buff like him and beat up everyone like it's nothing."

Nighteye glanced at you and hid his mouth behind his hand. "I didn't know you wanted to get buff y/n. That's very strange."

You stared at him and grinned. "Are you laughing at me? You find something funny huh?"

"No I-I didn't laugh," He stammered, "I was just hiding a cough. I didn't want to cough on you that's all."

You chuckled. "I've only been able to make you laugh once, and that's when you hired me. So you know what? I have a friendly bet for you Nighteye. If I can make you laugh again, then let's go on a date."

Ah! What the hell am I saying!? This is so embarrassing, why did I have to bet that!?

"What do you say?" You asked, deciding to just go through with this. He leaned back in his chair and he almost looked lost in thought for a moment, you could almost see the wheels turning in his head. You waited with bated breath for his response.

He crossed his arms over his chest and adjusted his glasses. "Alright, that sounds agreeable. I'll take you up on your bet y/n. And if you can't make me laugh within two weeks time, you have to buy me this limited edition All Might figurine." He said, pointing to an image on his laptop. The price was hefty but you nodded in agreement.

"Alright then. It's on."

From that point on you and Nighteye shared stolen glances with each other when you were working. You would narrow your eyes at him, wondering what you could do to make him laugh and he would always mouth the words, 'Limited Edition' at you to remind you of your obligation if you lost.

Bubble Girl was completely confused about the whole bet because she said that the surefire way to make Nighteye laugh was to hook him up to the infamous tickle machine. You told her that you had to make him laugh by cracking a joke, not by torturing him.

But you would keep the tickle machine in mind just in case.

A few days passed and you had made many attempts at jokes for Nighteye. You felt like a stand up comic, it was so exhausting trying to get even one chuckle out of him! Yet you persisted because you did not make that much money and there was no way you could afford to buy him that rare All Might figurine.

When you were eating lunch you "Hey Nighteye, do you know about the can crusher who quit his job?"


"It was soda pressing." You told him with a pained grin on your face. Nighteye stayed silent and gazed at you with serious eyes. "G-Get it?"

"That's very amusing y/n. Thank you."

Damn it, not even a little grin! I'll get him next time!

You huffed and went back to eating your sandwich in quiet. You could feel Nighteye's yellow eyes staring at you from across the room but you didn't want to look up at him. It was too embarrassing to be totally losing this bet.

"You know...I would go on a date with you even if you did not make me laugh. It's not good to force laughter, I think you are at your funniest when you are not trying too hard y/n."

You looked up from your sandwich, your mouth agape in shock. Did he really just say what you think he said?

"Y-You would go on a date with me? Just because?" You asked him as heat rose to your face, making it burn.

A flash of pink colored his pale cheeks and he looked away from you. He took off his glasses and pretended to inspect them for a moment before replying. "Y-Yes, I would. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because you' boss."

He put his glasses back on and breathed out. "There's actually nothing against pro heroes dating sidekicks, as long as it doesn't interfere with work."

"O-Oh." Was the only word that escaped your lips. You got up from your seat and walked over to him, your heart pounding in your chest. "Then...please go out with me Sir Nighteye! I won't try that hard to make you laugh, it'll be great."

Nighteye looked at you and reached up to touch your face. His hand caressed your soft cheek and the corners of his lips pulled into a small smile. "That sounds wonderful, let's do it tomorrow then?"



When you got home that day you shut the door to your room and collapsed on your bed. With a squeal of joy, you pounded your fists on the soft fabric of your blankets and laughed yourself silly. Who knew that a random bet would land you a date with your crush?

Don't worry Nighteye, I'll make you laugh when you least expect it! Just you wait!

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