Shoji Mezo x Reader: Warmth

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Cute request for Shoji cuddling with his s/o. I'm sure that he's a great cuddler because of all of his extra arms! Enjoy!

There was nothing like a snowy day to put you in a calm mood. As the snow fell outside every sound seemed almost muffled, and the world seemed very peaceful. Of course you knew that pro heroes never really rested, even on snowy days. But you hoped that your boyfriend was alright, as he had been out on a hero mission all day.

He had assured you that it was mostly patrolling duties but you still worried. The snowstorm outside became worse and worse with every hour that passed and you were seriously considering going to meet up with Shoji yourself. With your scent tracking quirk it wouldn't be too difficult, but the snow might mask a lot of it and make it harder.

After much deliberation you decided to just make some tea and lie down. Shoji will show up when he's done with work, you just had to be patient.

You took a few sips of your tea before snuggling under your covers and falling sound asleep as soon as your head hit the pillow.


Shoji was almost stranded at the hero agency thanks to the storm, but thankfully one of his colleagues with a fire summoning quirk offered to take him home. Shoji was eager to get home so he gratefully took the offer.

Once he got home he took off his snow boots at the door and relished in the comfortable warmth of his house. "Y/n I'm home," he called out, "you here?"

"Mm, I'm sleeping!" Shoji heard you yell from the bedroom. He chuckled to himself, threw his coat on the couch, and walked down the small hallway to the bedroom. Only about a quarter of your head was sticking out from under the covers, just enough to show some strands of your hair. The sight made Shoji's heart flutter with affection.

How can y/n be so cute?

"Sorry for interrupting--" Shoji began to say but then you sighed loudly which silenced him.

You turned your head to look at him with half-lidded eyes, and a lazy smile on your lips. "I missed you Mezo, c'mere." you whispered, and he smiled. He crawled under the covers and you sharply inhaled when he brought his hand up to gently caress your face. "Oh my god! Y-You're so cold! You need to warm up."

"That's what you'll help me with then." He replied, running his cold hands over your sides, making you squeal out. His arms enveloped you, bringing you closer to his body and his chin rested comfortably on top of your head. "Did you really miss me? I wasn't gone too long."

You snuggled your face into his neck, exhaling slowly on his cold skin. "Of course I did, I wouldn't have minded doing this all day actually. Today just felt like a lazy day I guess." You explained to him. Shoji kissed the top of your head tenderly and closed his eyes.

"Well I'm here now, sorry I couldn't just take the day off." He mumbled. "Want to build a snowman later, I bet we could make a really good one with all this snow."

You laughed quietly, placing a kiss on the side of his neck. His skin was warming up little by little, and you smiled a bit at his idea. "That sounds really fun...we should give it multiple arms so all the kids in the neighborhood can climb on him. Wouldn't that be sweet!"

"Mmhmm...that's a...great idea sweetie." Shoji responded, his speaking getting a bit slower as he drifted off into a nice sleep. You kissed his cheek, and decided to follow suit. Falling asleep in your lover's arms while the snow fell outside was truly magical. 

It made you secretly hope that the snow would continue to fall for a few more days, just so he could stay home and be with you like this for a little while longer.  

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