Todoroki Shoto x Rival!Reader: Realizations (part 3)

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I feel like I always underestimate just how much you all love icy hot boi...but damn it I do too!! This was heavily requested and it will be the last part ^_^ Enjoy!

Damn it, he wants to go to a place that serves cold soba...this is gonna be expensive!

Admittedly you didn't have a lot of money, and it was your idea to have dinner with Todoroki...but damn did he have to pick such a fancy food!?

Ok it's just cold soba, it's not that big of a deal...

"The cheapest thing here is the water!!"

"It's really nice huh y/n? I've always liked this place." Todoroki replied, unfazed by your loud complaining. The atmosphere of the restaurant was extremely nice though. The pristine red and gold walls reflected the soft lighting from the beautiful ornamental lamps that lined them.

"Yeah it's really nice Todoroki...just kind of expensive--"

"Oh, don't worry I'll be paying for it."

You looked up from your menu in surprise, and Todoroki met your eyes. His expression was aloof, as he looked at you waiting for your response.

"How did you get the money for this?"

"I stole it from my dad's office."

".....Well I'm not gonna turn down the chance for a free dinner!! Let's order!"

While you both waited for the food, you two talked about U.A. and other strange uses for your quirks.

"I bet you'd be one hell of a massage therapist Todoroki. With the fire and ice combined it'd be so cool!"

"And your quirk would probably be good for...making slow motion videos?"

You chuckled at the thought of doing that with your quirk, while Todoroki stared at you intently. He always looked really serious, but this just seemed different somehow. It was like he was really looking at you, and studying everything that you were doing. It was a bit nerve-wracking to say the least.

"Todoroki...are you alright?"


"O-Oh, ok then. Sorry for asking." you said, nervously fiddling with your red cloth napkin on the table. Todoroki breathed out slowly, and looked down at his lap. This dinner had officially turned awkward.

"Cold soba with jasmine tea?" the waitress interrupted the awkward silence happily. Todoroki raised his hand politely, and she set his plate down and then set your plate down. "Need anything else?" she asked you both.

Yeah, I need a good conversation starter please...

"No, thank you though." you chose to say, and she smiled brightly before walking away. Todoroki began to eat, and so did you. You hoped that maybe the food arriving would stimulate some conversation. You were wrong.

"Wow, this is good!" you exclaimed as you took a huge bite of savory chicken piece.

"I know." Todoroki replied coolly. You raised an eyebrow, finally getting tired of this awkward conversation.

"Todoroki stop being an ass." you said, tapping your fingers on the table slowly. He coughed on his tea, before looking up at you and frowning.

"I didn't even do anything y/n." he said, his mismatched eyes narrowing at you from across the table.

"We agreed to help each other out. And we agreed to talk to each other about things. So why are you acting so weird now and you're not telling me why!?"

He shifted in his seat, obviously taken aback by your loud words. "I'm not acting weird--"

"Yes you are! you not want to be here with me? Is that it?" you asked, your once loud voice coming out small and quiet. You could feel your cheeks burning with embarrassment. It was hard for you to be vulnerable, especially with someone like Todoroki who was usually so reserved and poised.

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else y/n. I-I just didn't know how to act around you...because this dinner...started to feel like a date to me." he blurted out, staring at you with intense and bright eyes.

"A d-d-date!?" you exclaimed, cupping your face in your hands.

Of all makes sense! Especially after he offered to pay for my meal! 

"I'm sorry y/n...I didn't mean to act weird or tense."

"I'm sorry for getting so agitated so fast Todoroki. I really should have seen the signals." you replied, biting your lower lip in frustration. "Now I'm just agitated with myself honestly."

"Don't be. I should have said what I was thinking before things got awkward."

" this a date then?" you asked him, too nervous to look him directly in the eyes. You could hear him cough a few times, before he responded.

"I'm not entirely opposed to that idea y/n..." Todoroki said, and you shifted your eyes to his face. Out of all of the times he had lost matches to you, he had never looked so flustered and disoriented before.

"A-Alright then, i-it's a date!"

After dinner the sun started to set, so Todoroki insisted on walking you to the train station. You took his offer, glad to have some company with you.

"Y/n...can I hold your hand?"


As soon as you said that, you felt Todoroki's cold right hand grasp yours tightly. Out of all of the ways you thought this night would end, you never thought you would be holding Todoroki's hand.

You could see the station in the distance knowing that soon you and Todoroki would have to say goodbye.

"Todoroki, is it alright if I kiss you?"


You hesitated for a second, gazing at his face. His big scar, his soft straight hair, the way his eyes shined even in the darkness was all so appealing to you in that moment. He closed his eyes, waiting for you to initiate the kiss. You leaned forward, your nose bumping into his cheek as you tilted your head to the right. You softly pressed your lips to his, afraid of adding too much pressure to the kiss.

Todoroki cupped your face and pressed harder, deepening the kiss, and making you gasp in surprise.

He pulled away, and you struggled to catch your breath. You felt like the wind had been harshly knocked out of you, but you were also incredibly happy at the same time.

"Thank you for that y/n." Todoroki said in a hushed whisper.

"Pfft, it was my pleasure Todoroki." you replied, finally steadying your breathing and your hammering heart. Todoroki gave you a soft smile, before reaching down to grasp your hand again and with that you both continued walking forward together. You had never walked to that dirty, crowded train station with such a pleasant feeling in your heart.

You could get used to this though.   

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