Shindo Yo x Reader: Competitors

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Request for Shindo is here! Glad that he has been introduced in the anime, he's a pretty cool discount Deku...I mean he's a cool character lol. Also shoutout to @gen3king, I recently started reading some of his stuff and he has over 120 works! It's crazy cool. Anyway enjoy!

When you had first met Shindo it was the first day of school at Ketsubutsu Academy and he approached you immediately after you had entered the classroom. He introduced himself to you with a smile and you soon became a blushing mess at how bright and kind he was being to you Shindo definitely caught you off guard. 

He smiled sweetly at you and shook your hand. But then he leaned in a bit closer to say something else to you. 

What he said didn't exactly match his demeanor and you will never forget what he said to you. "Don't forget, we're competitors y/n. I want to be the best here so try not to get in my way please."

Oh....screw this guy!    

"Uh-huh. Ok then." you replied before tightening your grip on his hand. His dark eyes widened and you pulled at his arm to drag him closer to you. You looked him dead in the eyes, your lips curling into a devilish grin. "Don't get in my way either Shindo."

You pushed past him to find a seat and didn't look back.


Thinking back on the first day of school always made you smile with glee because you thought you had been super cool when faced with Shindo's true personality. 

Shindo didn't really cross your mind that much now you were in your second year and things were getting real. The license exams were drawing near which made your stomach turn with nervousness because the passing rate was so low.

You were training every day now in preparation. Some days you would run around the huge park near your house while other days you would just focus on strength and quirk training.

Today was your running day.

You slipped on your black sneakers and changed from your school uniform to your workout clothes. There was a bike trail that bicyclist rarely used so you followed that throughout the park. When you reached the park you started to do a few warm up stretches so hopefully you wouldn't be so sore after this. You were in the middle of some toe-touches when you heard a familiar voice speak up.

"Well well well. If it isn't y/n. Can't reach your toes? Want some help?"

You furrowed your brows in annoyance and stood up straight. Shindo winked at you, a smirk on his lips. "No, do you need some help Shindo? With being an actual nice human being?"

"Hm, touche." He replied without losing his smirk. "Are you going to run now? Do some cardio?"

"How do you know I do that?"

"Snapchat." He said and you nodded. You weren't even sure why he followed you on there since you rarely posted anything.

There was a beat of silence between the two of you which Shindo used to his advantage. "Can I run with you? I need the exercise anyway."

You rolled your eyes, wondering what he was up to this time. But you decided to let whatever little scheme he was plotting play out. "Fine. But you better keep up."

With that you were off at a fast pace, Shindo at your heels. You could basically run this trail in your sleep but it seemed like Shindo was already starting to have trouble keeping up.

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