Enji Todoroki x Reader: Protection (Part 1)

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This is a request piece for the lovely @VampEtsu  ^o^ I feel like Enji will gain popularity now that he's fully introduced in the anime. For this oneshot, the reader will have a teleportation quirk. Thanks for the request and enjoy!

"TODOROKI! HOW COULD YOU ASSIGN ME TO THE 13TH DISTRICT, NOTHING EVER HAPPENS THERE I'M SO OVERQUALIFIED FOR THIS!!" you shouted at the pro hero Endeavor who was glaring daggers at you behind his desk.

Your voice echoed throughout his spacious office and could probably even be heard outside if you listened hard enough. 

You slammed your hands on his desk and glared. In the entire history of this agency, you were the only one he let get this angry with him. "I've worked at this agency since the beginning, and now you're assigning me to patrol the 13th district of the city for an entire month?! LIVES COULD BE LOST BECAUSE OF THIS...THE 13TH DISTRICT IS TOO FAR AWAY FROM EVERYTHING...THIS IS BASICALLY A DEMOTION AS FAR AS I'M CONCERNED!"

Endeavor stayed silent which irritated you even more. 


"One more word out of you and you lose your job here, and I'll make sure you never get another one. Ever," he said interrupting your angry rant. You gulped and stared and the dangerous glint in his icy blue eyes.

"...Fine, but at least explain your reasoning with me Endeavor. Please."

"There are rumors about an illegal black market in the 13th district. According to my sources, this black market is real, and it specializes in illegal arms dealing and shipping. There are a lot of abandoned buildings in the 13th district, and it's true that not much crime happens over there. So, it's the perfect place to do some heavy duty smuggling and dealing. I want you, and only you on this case Y/n," he explained "because you're right...you are the most qualified out of all of the people at my agency. Excluding me of course." he said as he smirked dryly.

"Thank you for entrusting me with this Todoro--er--Endeavor. I will do my best and I'm sorry for losing my temper," you said bowing quickly and finally leaving the room.

Hmmm, I guess this could be interesting...

24 hours later

You were patrolling the 13th district, carefully inspecting all of the listed abandoned buildings in the area. You were getting frustrated with yourself because it was looking like you weren't going to find anything today.

Maybe they are in an abandoned building but they could be going underground for all I know... you pondered as you carefully looked around. It's not like Endeavor gave you a lot of information about these people either. You sighed angrily, already chalking this up to a wild goose chase. You started walking back to where you first started, hoping to maybe see something that you might've missed before.

But as you walked you heard a strange echo to your footsteps...almost as if you were being followed!

You stopped walking and turned around just as a random villain appeared out of nowhere. They were taller than most but their movements were uncoordinated and awkward. They tried to kick at your legs but you stepped out of the way, grabbed them by their shirt, and threw them down on the ground hard. They tried to get up clumsily, but you kneed them hard in the face, which completely incapacitated them. 

Huh, it's obvious that this person isn't trained in combat at all...so why would they even bother? 

You handcuffed the unconscious villain and called the police. You were getting a bad feeling about this whole situation. Maybe I should call Endeavor, this whole place gives me the creeps.

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