Aizawa Shouta x Reader: Morning Light

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More Aizawa was requested a while back, so here it is...a bit short...and a bit belated though ^_^ sorry. As usual this is just fluff (kind of domestic fluff I suppose). The manga is officially kicking my butt with the angst train so I really need some short fluff in my system. Enjoy!

 You turned over on your side, pulling the puffy blanket over your head to block out the blinding sunlight filtering into the small bedroom. It was way too early to get up wasn't it? You felt a strong arm reach over your body and clutch your side pulling you closer gently. 

Oh no, I was trying not to wake him up, poor thing. 

"Mmph, good morning y/n." Aizawa's deep voice was raspy and sounded sleepier than usual. His warm breath tickled the back of your neck making you smile.

"Mornin' Shouta." you whispered as you groggily sat up, and yawned. "Don't worry, I can make breakfast babe..." You got out of bed, your bare feet treading lightly over the cold tile floor of the apartement. You heard Aizawa mumble something at you, but you couldn't quite make out what he said.

Walking into the kitchen you pursed your lips, trying to think about what to make. Eggs were always a safe bet, but you had the day off today so you decided to make omelettes.

As you were taking out all of the ingredients you needed, you heard Aizawa shuffle into the kitchen slowly. He wrapped his arms around your waist rested his chin on your shoulder, whispering in your ear. "What are you making?"

You grinned sheepishly. "Just omelettes, with cheese and bell peppers. Did you want toast?"

"Yes please." he said, still leaning on you. He seemed more needy this morning, and you were starting to wonder why. The cast iron frying pan was warmed up so you took out some eggs from the carton. You cracked them two at a time into a white bowl, and whisked them around quickly with a fork.

"Uhm, Shouta...are you ok?" you asked him sweetly as you whisked the eggs, until they were perfectly blended. You poured them onto the pan and they sizzled wonderfully.

He sighed audibly and removed his hands from your waist. Confused, you turned around to face him. His long black hair had an extreme bed-head and stuck out in all directions, but his eyes looked different this morning. In fact, his usually heavy lidded eyes were wide, bright, and serious. It was a little intimidating.

"Y/n...we are compatible right?" he asked you, and you just grew more confused.

"Yes definitely."

"And we love each other right?"

"Of course." you replied quickly. What is he getting at?   

"And I also think that we both have busy schedules, but we've reached an equilibrium that we both like right?"

"Yeah our schedules do meld together. It's pretty great actually." you told him, more confused than ever. There was a long pause, the only sound in the tiny apartment were of the eggs sizzling away.



"The eggs are burning."

Gasping you whipped around and immediately turned off the burner. "Oh no! Ugh gross!" you complained, as you tried to un-stick the charred eggs from off the pan with Aizawa's metal spatula. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't even smell them burning Shouta." you said throwing out the remains in the garbage.

"It's alright I'll cook another one."

"Hmph, I got distracted because of you. What's wrong Shouta? You can tell me anything." you said, leaning your back against the kitchen counter. You faced Aizawa who was on also leaning on the counter on the other side of the small kitchen. His lips tightened, and loosened as if he was trying to form his words but couldn't. "Shouta--"

"Y/n, let's get married already." Aizawa suddenly blurted out, momentarily breaking his usual aloof composure. You could feel your heart rate quicken at an incredible rate, as everything he said hit you all at once. Your eyes widened and you gaped at him dumbly, at a loss for words. 

"What do you say? Isn't it logical?" he asked, his voice softer than it had been all morning. "I mean...I don't have a ring yet but I can get one really soon of course. And we could have a small wedding if you want, or even a huge wedding if you want. Whatever you want y/n we could..."

He's rambling, I better put a stop to this.

With only two strides you closed the small distance between you two, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. He stopped talking, instead waiting for you to initiate something.

"Yes! I will marry you, it is logical after all." you joked dryly, before leaning forward and pressing your lips against his hungrily. You caressed his face, his stubble tickling your hands slightly which almost made you laugh. He leaned into the kiss happily, wrapping his strong arms around your body.

"Mmph..." Aizawa grunted as he broke the kiss momentarily. "Y/n, I love you."

"I love you too Shouta. I love you so much." you said breathlessly, in an almost hushed whisper. He planted a chaste kiss on your cheek as you jokingly said, "And I can't wait to see you in a tuxedo babe..."  

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