Hizashi Yamada x Reader: Loud Date

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Ok, I know the pic is crappy but it makes me laugh a lot so enjoy it. Since I've written about Aizawa, I figured Present Mic could use some wholesome love. The reader will be about 30 years old like him. Enjoy!

Your quirk wasn't loud like his. You yourself didn't even like talking to people for too long, and things like public speaking always filled you with dread and nervousness. Hizashi's signature loudness was fine with you though, but you could see how strangers could get a little tired of it. Especially on trips to the library.

"Y/n!! Why are we here today?" he asked you, while you flipped through another medical book aimlessly not finding what you were looking for at all.

"I have to write a research paper for the hospital and then present it at that conference...I told you this already," you said, putting the incredibly heavy book back on the shelf. Hizashi peered at you from behind his triangular shades and pursed his lips.

"Yeah, I know that. I just meant like...this was supposed to be our date day! Cause we both have the day off today. Remember?"

You furrowed your eyebrows and gasped aloud. You had completely forgotten about today! Hizashi chortled loudly at your dramatic reaction and was immediately shushed by multiple people who were reading nearby.

"Hizashi oh my god! I'm so sorry, I completely spaced out about that!" you exclaimed loudly, getting more flustered by the second. With your cheeks burning a bright red you said, "Let's just go...I-I can just come back tomorrow morning."

"ALLLRIIIGHT!! Let's go!!" Hizashi said, grinning widely at you while he snapped his fingers together.

"Will you two shut up!?" an elderly woman yelled out, angrily folding the thick newspaper she was reading and glaring daggers at you both. There was an awkward pause before Hizashi smiled at her nicely, telling her he was a pro-hero and he couldn't help being loud because it was connected to his quirk (and his personality).

"I know who you are Present Mic, and I know you are not using your quirk right now. Go away...shoo!" she said, waving her newspaper around like it was a weapon. You flinched back from her smoldering gaze, but Hizashi simply smiled at her and clutched your hand.

"Do you want my autograph?" he asked the woman, who rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

"Alright fine! Have fun on your date, you loud hero."


"Hizashi I think I'm a little under-dressed for this place," you stated, looking down and scrutinizing your plain t-shirt and jeans.

"Aw, this joint is lucky to have you y/n! I'm not wearin' anything fancy either." Hizashi replied, pointing dramatically to his own casual civilian clothes and you couldn't help but laugh. The restaurant that you two found yourselves in was fancy looking and you could already feel the money leaving your bank account, but if Hizashi was fine with it...then you were too!

The lighting wasn't too bright, and you nearly fell over a few tables as the waiter showed you both to your table, which Hizashi chuckled at much to your embarrassment. Once you got to the table safely, Hizashi pointed out everything he wanted to order from the menu.

You smiled at him tensely and looked over the menu yourself. There was a variety of things from fish, to soup, to salad, and even hamburgers?

Huh, maybe they are really fancy hamburgers, you thought trying to decide on something nice and simple to order. Hizashi's loud voice pulled you away from your thoughts and you looked over at him from across the table. He looked at you intensely and leaned forward.

"Y/n...I know what you're thinking," he said, and you smirked at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? What am I thinking Hizashi?" you asked, your voice taking on a teasing edge that you knew he loved.

He snapped his fingers as if he was just struck with a great idea and said, "You're...thinking about how much you love me right?"

"Ummm, no. I was thinking about what to order actually," you said putting the menu down on the table, "but I do love you a lot Hizashi."

"Hmph!! I don't believe you y/n...you're gonna have to show me," he said teasingly and you giggled at his sudden playfulness.

"Fine fine. I will," you replied, leaning over the table slightly. He didn't move forward though, which made you struggle to reach him. "H-Hizashi...you're gonna have to meet me in the middle."

"Oh!! You're trying to kiss me! Sorry..." he said, his noisy voice interrupting the calm atmosphere of the restaurant. But you could honestly care less.

He leaned forward eagerly and you pressed a sweet and tender kiss on his smooth lips. "I love you Hizashi. Thank you for this date."

"Mmm, no problem y/n! I love you to the moon and back!!"

And with that, you two resumed your date, while the other customers in the restaurant whispered to themselves that the 'pro hero Present Mic is surprisingly sappy.'

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