Mirio Togata x Reader: Party!

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School has started back up again so good luck to everyone in this new semester. I have been super swamped this past week so sorry for the late update! Anyway, cute request for Togata who has to hide a secret surprise party for the reader ^_^ Enjoy!

Your birthday was coming up and your boyfriend had been surprisingly relaxed about the whole thing. He had only mentioned it once in passing, which made you suspicious. 

Last year he talked about your birthday and what the party would involve weeks before it happened. You trusted that he had something planned, you were not sure what it could be. Despite your curiosity that was bursting at the seams, you were not going to question him about it.

He was probably having trouble keeping whatever secret he had from you because he was such an honest person (and frankly he was just a terrible liar).


The grocery store was super busy today, but for once Amajiki was not afraid of the crowds. He was too busy trying to calm Togata down about this surprise birthday party that he was throwing for you. Now Togata had been staring at the cakes for five minutes, in complete silence with an actual frown on his face. Amajiki wondered if he was alright.

Eventually, Togata looked up from the cakes with a wild look in his blue eyes and spoke. "Tamaki I can't do this! I can already tell that y/n is on to me about this surprise party. What if y/n finds out and then it's not a surprise party, it'll just be a regular party!" Togata said in frustration to his black-haired friend who was trying his best to deal with the situation.

"W-Well, think of how happy y/n will be when they see what the party looks like. We've worked so hard, and we bought all of the decorations, and the cake...so d-don't give up yet Mirio." Amajiki said, giving a little thumbs up to his friend.

Togata nodded and looked back at the cakes in the case. "You're right Tamaki...this whole birthday party will be a piece of cake. Ha. Ha."

"Heh...yeah," Amajiki replied and an awkward silence between the two boys began for a few seconds.

Togata then pointed to a double layered round cake with white frosting. "I think y/n will like this one. It's cute."

"Mmhmm, good choice," Amajiki replied with a nod of his head. "I wouldn't worry too much Mirio...a-and trust me I know how to worry. But y/n is so nice, they'll love whatever you do."

Togata's blinked his large blue eyes like he was trying to snap himself out of whatever slump he was in and flashed a toothy grin at Amajiki. "You're right, there's no point in worrying about anything! It won't do me any good!"

With those positive words, the two boys bought the cake and left the grocery store. Togata was filled with newfound determination to make sure that this party was the best ever!


Today was the big day. You went to U.A. High and your friends said happy birthday to you...and that was it. So far even your boyfriend had not told you anything, except that he was going to leave school a bit early and meet you at your house.

Could it be a party there? No, I don't know...I guess I'll find out when I get home, you thought to yourself as you were walking to your house. Your street was quiet, there were no extra cars in the driveway which told you that it was just Togata who was at your house now. You chuckled, wondering what tricks he had up his sleeve.

You opened the door and walked into your dark house. Wait...why was it so dark?



In what seemed like an instant the lights turned on, showing you the colorful balloons and streamers all around the house, and people jumped out from their hiding places with huge smiles on their faces. They were your classmates from U.A. along with your parents. How did they all get here before you? 

Nejire and Amajiki popped out from behind the couch and she waved at you while Amajiki just gave you a small smile. "Happy birthday y/n! You're getting pretty old!" Nejire said and you stuck your tongue out at her.

"Aren't we the same age?" You questioned. But before she could answer Togata came out from the kitchen carrying a cute cake on a platter.

"I think it's someone's birthday today right y/n?" Togata said to you with a grin. He went and placed the cake on the kitchen table, and lit the candles for you. You smiled, looking around at all of these people who had gone out of their way just for you, it was amazing.

"Yeah I guess it is, I don't know who though." You replied. "Do you know them?"

"Mmhmm, they are really incredible and they deserve the best party. I just hope they like it so far?" Togata said, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. He was so cute when he was nervous that was for sure. You took his hand in yours and gave his cheek a quick kiss. His grin grew wide and it grew even wider when your classmates whistled at you two. But you and Togata ignored them masterfully. 

"I think they do. In fact, I think they love it."    

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