Aizawa Shouta x Reader: You're Mine

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The final request that I'm doing before I open requests again yaaaay! For this oneshot the reader will be a U.A. staff assistant and this is taking place during the license exam arc. Enjoy!

"Y/n, if you have time can you come with me to the exams? I don't want to be alone." Aizawa asked you while you two got ready for the day. You were standing by the mirror in the bedroom but you stopped messing with your hair for a moment and nodded at Aizawa.

"Sure I can. I'd love to see your students in action again." You said with a smile, finally just deciding to let your hair flow free today. It's not like anything too stressful was going to happen today anyway. Aizawa thanked you with a quick kiss on the lips, and with that you two left your shared apartment.

All of the students seemed on edge when you two arrived to the classroom and then piled into the bus. You couldn't blame them for being nervous, you remembered being terrified when you took your exam. One of the good things about the exams though was that Aizawa had been there taking it with you, so it wasn't too bad.

But still...

"Shouta, did you tell them already? About the...crushing of U.A." you asked, making sure that none of the student overhead you. 

Aizawa stopped looking out the window to look at you. "No." he replied bluntly, and left it at that. You sighed, hoping that his students would be alright.

Yeah, there's no doubt they'll be fine. They're a strong bunch! 

 All of you got to the exam center and Class 1-A seemed to be awestruck by the huge building. "I'm so nervous..." You heard Jirou mutter, and you wanted to go and comfort her but you were interrupted by someone's loud but cheery voice.

"Eraser!? It's been such a long time! I've seen you on t.v. and everything but it's been a while since I've seen you in person!" A bubbly woman with straight sea green hair exclaimed, striding over to you two with a smile. She was wearing a clownish hero costume, and you thought it matched her personality perfectly.

She must be an old friend of his, but he never told me about her, you thought. Aizawa visibly tensed when he saw her, and he practically tried to shrink back. That was strange, usually he was pretty polite.

"Let's get married!" the woman said, making your blood run cold. Aizawa frowned, obviously not liking her comment and he immediately said no. "No? Hahaha good one Eraser!" she said, doubling over in laughter.

Who the hell does she think she is? I'm standing right here...doesn't she know that we're together!? 

"Our agencies used to be close together, and in our cycle of helping each other out our love bloomed--"

"No it didn't." Aizawa interjected, rolling his eyes a bit. She seemed so infatuated with was making you feel really uncomfortable.

"Haha! We could have a happy family Eraser, a family that's always laughing!" She exclaimed, and that was the last straw for you.

"Shouta, I'm going inside." you said through gritted teeth, not wanting to have a dramatic altercation in front of the students right now. Aizawa called your name, but you were hurriedly walking to the building and you didn't feel like turning back.

"W-Was it something I said?" Ms. Joke asked, making Aizawa roll his eyes.


Once you were inside the building, you tried to calm down. There was no need to feel jealous, you and Aizawa were a solid and healthy couple plus you had known him for years. But you never knew about that woman. He had apparently worked with her? You had no knowledge of that at all!

"Damn..." you cursed under your breath. You probably should have stepped up your game a bit more today, you were just wearing a casual t-shirt and some shorts. You weren't even in your hero costume. "Ugh, whatever. I need to find a seat."

There were plenty of empty seats in the stadium and you plopped yourself down in one that had a good view of the arena. You were going to enjoy watching your U.A. students, even if you were in a bad mood now. Unfortunately, you only had a few minutes of peace and quiet before Aizawa and that woman walked over to you.

Before she sat down she said, "Hi...y/n. Aizawa told me about you two. Sorry if I was a bit"

"Flirty? With my boyfriend...yeah you were." you said, glaring at her. She rubbed the back of her neck, obviously embarrassed. Aizawa took a seat next to you and your eyes narrowed at him too.

"I didn't know you two were together, Eraser's a pretty secretive person I guess haha! I'm Ms. Joke by the's nice to meet you." she said, her smile unwavering as she chuckled a bit. You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.

"It's nice to meet you too just caught me off guard is all. Shouta can we go get something to drink? I'd like some water." you said, and Aizawa nodded. You gave Ms. Joke a smile when you passed her, your annoyance slowly dissipating.  

You and Aizawa walked down the hallway and you waited until you two were alone before you grabbed him by the collar, pulling him into a deep kiss. He grunted in surprise at the kiss but you didn't relinquish your grip on his shirt.

His hands soon roamed to your back so he could pull you even closer to his body. "Sorry...y/n." he mumbled breathlessly when you two parted for air.

"It's fine. I just...feel a little..."

"Are you jealous?" he asked bluntly, and you frowned.

"Of course. I mean...I know it's dumb but I just want people to know're mine and I'm yours." you said.

"That's not dumb, that's completely reasonable." he replied. "I'm...just sorry I didn't warn you about her...she's always been like that ever since we worked together." You laughed at this and pulled him into a tight hug.

"Well it's not like I blame her. She's got good taste after all." you said with a smirk, pulling out of the hug to look at him. Aizawa rolled his eyes, but you saw the hint of a small smile on his lips nonetheless.

"W-Whatever, let's just go get you some water." he said, and with that you two continued walking down the hallway hand in hand.

Oh I'm so gonna get him back later for this whole thing!  

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