Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: Snowfall

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Not a request, I just had a short burst of inspiration to write this. I haven't written for him in a while ^_^ Requests will be opening soon because I know some of you are curious about that. I will send out a notification when they are officially open. Enjoy! 

"P-Please go out with me!"

Amajiki's words rang in your ears. Your mouth gaped open in surprise and you were struck speechless. A soft wind blew over the street, rustling the tree leaves overhead and Amajiki's messy hair swept around his head like a dark hurricane. 

It was the day after you two had graduated from U.A. High, the summer heat was beginning to roll through the city, and people were saying their goodbyes to each other. A million things were already running through your mind now that you were entering the real pro-hero world. The last thing you expected was Amajiki, one of the shyest people you had ever met, to confess his feelings to you. 

He was one of your closest friends, you had known him for years and now you two were going to become heroes together. You never suspected that he had liked you. Damn, he always managed to surprise you!

"Really? Me?" You asked him, aware of how lame that sounded.

"W-Well yes! We've graduated now...a-and I want to be w-with you. Y/n, please give me a chance! I really do like you!" He said louder than you had ever heard him speak, at least when he wasn't on missions. "What do you say?"

You thought for a moment before answering him with a smile. "Alright! Let's go out!"


6 months later

It was December now and it was snowing for the first time all year. Flurries of snow flew in the air and you took cover under your black umbrella that you had brought with you on patrol. The snow kept coming down around you and the city itself seemed to grow quiet as it became blanketed in snow.

I should text Tamaki before he starts to worry. I'm gonna be so late today, you thought looking around at the snowfall. You pulled out your phone from your jacket pocket, your gloved hands were even becoming cold now. Before you could send a text to him your phone started ringing. He was calling you.

"Tamaki, what's up?" You answered.

"Nothing just caught in the snow. I'm near a bunch of stores though so I m-might just take cover or something." His voice sounded tired like he was worn out from his own patrolling mission. "Where are you? Are you safe?"

"Yeah, I'm good...just watching the snow. I'm near the library on 2nd street, the one with the large clock in front of it." You said. Tamaki hummed in response.

"Ok, I'll try to meet you there. Hang tight."

A smile pulled at your lips and suddenly the cold air didn't sting your skin as much. Just listening to him made you feel warm. "Alright, be safe. Bye." You replied and hung up the phone. With a sigh, you held your hand out to catch some snowflakes. Some fell into your palm and you inspected them. All of them were unique, just like humans that way.

"How strange...I've managed to find Tamaki...out of all of the people in the world."

Your heartbeat quickened and you grew anxious waiting for him to show up. Just when you were about to call him to check up on him swiftly walking towards you, his dark clothes contrasting against the bright snow. "Y/n!" He called out. "The train got delayed!"

You ran over to him to meet him halfway, lifting the umbrella slightly so he could go under it. "It's ok, I'm just glad you're here now. Tamaki...?"

He gave you a nervous smile. "Ha, y-you know I don't like it when you're voice trails off, i-it remind me of me. What is it?"

"You know I love you right? Like...I love you more than anything and I'm just so glad that we met. We could've been like these snowflakes!" You said, pointing down at the snow-covered ground.

"I'm lost." He said, his dark eyes flitting over your face. "We're s-snowflakes?"

"Well I mean that some snowflakes fall together and they reach the ground together, but some drift apart, and others don't even get to be near each other." You explained, a soft smile on your lips. "I-I'm glad we got to meet each other...that's all."

Tamaki was quiet for a moment, probably trying to think of something to say without stuttering. "Y/n...you're such a romantic," He said and he reached down to take your hand in his, "but I wouldn't h-have it any other way. I love you so much, y-you're much more than just a snowflake on the ground." You chuckled at his comment, and for a moment you two were silent, just looking into each other's eyes.

Then he leaned down and kissed your forehead softly before traveling down to your slightly parted lips. He kissed you gently, his mouth exploring yours, and you lost grip of the umbrella. You let it fall to the ground with a soft thud and your hands caressed his face, pulling him closer to you.

The snow was not letting up and as it fell, it landed on your hair and his, but that didn't stop you two from kissing each other like it was your first time.          

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