Seiji Shishikura x Reader: Perfect

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Shishikura was requested a while ago, so I apologize for the wait. I kind of hit a block with this oneshot I don't really know why though. I might take a little break from writing for a few days. Anyway, for this oneshot the reader will be second year like him and they will be in an established relationship already. Enjoy!

You shivered and breathed out heavily, a puff of white air coming out of your mouth like a cloud. It was frigid outside and you were waiting for your boyfriend outside of the restaurant like a fool. This place was kind of hard to find so you decided to be nice and wait for him out here so he could see you and not pass by.

"T-This is the last t-time I'm b-being nice!" You said through chattering teeth, your eyebrows furrowing together in frustration. Where was he? Could he have gotten stuck in the snow...when he was walking here?

"N-No that's d-dumb..."

"What's dumb y/n?" Your boyfriend's voice asked and you turned around to look at him. He was wading through the snow with a frown. His jacket was way too think for this weather and he wasn't even wearing gloves.

You walked over to him, closing the distance between you two in no time. "S-Seiji! You must be freezing!" You exclaimed, already taking off your soft scarf. He saw what you were doing and tried to protest but you were already wrapping it around his neck. "Hurry, let's get inside."

"Alright." He replied. You took his hand and led him inside the restaurant. Of course it was much warmer inside the small restaurant and your boyfriend's lips curled upwards into a sly smile. "This place is quaint y/n. How'd you find it?"

"Google can do wonders babe." You replied with a smile. You reached up and ruffled his light purple hair, mussing it up a little bit. "Let's sit down."

"I know how to Google things too..." he grumbled to himself as you two sat down at a table with some candles and a small vase of flowers on it. You admired the colorful flowers and Shishikura got the menus from the waiter. He handed you one and you looked it over.

"What do you think you're going to get?" You asked him and he shrugged.

"I'm not sure...the chicken sounds good." He said, looking seriously at the small menu. "I don't know..."

"Seiji, are you feeling ok? You seem a little down." You said, putting the menu down on the table. He chuckled dryly, and ran a hand through his light purple hair. To you, he almost seemed like he was nervous about something but you were confused about what it was.

"I just...I wanted to ask you something. It's not a big deal I just don't know if you would want to do something like it, but I just thought I'd ask j-just in case you would want to do something like that but--"

"Seiji, you're rambling." You interjected with a light laugh. "Just relax and tell me what's going on, I'm sure it's not that big of deal whatever it is."

He pressed his lips together into a tight line and looked away from you. "I want to know if you want to go to the winter dance with me. I-It's the first dance Shiketsu has ever held because we usually focus on the cultural festival b-but I would be honored if you would go with me."

You broke into a smile at the thought of going to a dance with him, it sounded so fun! To be honest you had completely forgotten that your homeroom teacher had announced this dance to your class. You wouldn't have thought that Shishikura would be into something like this but he was a hopeless romantic after all. That's one of the things that you loved about him.

"I would love to go with you Seiji! It's cute that you're all nervous about asking me too. I'm glad I keep you on your toes so much." You said, reaching for his hand that was resting on the table. Your thumb brushed over his knuckles and his fingers intertwined with yours perfectly. He breathed out, already starting to relax now.

"You still make me nervous...I still get butterflies in my stomach whenever I ask you about something important." He said, his eyes gazing into yours. You were so grateful that he was so easy to tease, otherwise what you were about to do would be completely embarrassing.

You leaned across the table and kissed him, your hand cupping his cheek and his hair tickling your hand a bit. He made a surprised sound by your sudden gesture but he slowly kissed you back and warmth spread throughout your entire body. It felt like the entire world had just melted away and it was just the two of you left.

But then the waiter showed up.

"Erm, have you decided on your order?" He interjected, clearing his throat awkwardly. You immediately stopped kissing your boyfriend and you sat back in your seat, your cheeks turning scarlet.

"....Y-Yes we have." Shishikura said, a slight tremor in his voice. You smiled at him and apologized to the waiter for the display of affection. In the back of your mind you knew you weren't really sorry though. What kind of person would you be if you passed up the chance to embarrass your boyfriend?


After the date Shishikura walked you home in the snow even though he was completely under-dressed for the weather. Some beautiful snowflakes were still falling from the sky as you two trudged along the sidewalk together. Everything around you two was quiet, it was so calming. 

His bare hand was holding your gloved one and his grip on it tightened when you two encountered some patches of ice.

You laughed and skidded along on some of the patches like you were ice skating. You pulled Shishikura along with you who looked more nervous about this than you. "Y/n slow down, what if we fall?"

"Then we fall I guess." You responded with a carefree grin. You stopped skidding along the ice and placed your feet on solid ground. Shishikura looked at you like he couldn't believe that you would risk falling.

"Just be more careful." He said, pulling you closer to him and embracing you. You wrapped your arms around him and basked in the warmth that his body gave off.

"You're right, I don't want to twist my ankle before the dance. That would be kind of hilarious though."

"Stop that." He told you, pressing a soft kiss on the middle of your forehead. "I love you too much to allow you to twist your ankle y/n."

"Aw, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." You said with a laugh. "I just love you too much, that's my problem."

Shishikura raised an eyebrow at you, and smirked. "Well that doesn't seem like much of a problem y/n." There was only a few inches separating your faces and he immediately took advantage of this lack of distance. He kissed you and your heart pounded in your chest as his hands tangled themselves in your hair. 

You were sure that you the both of you would end up getting sick from the cold but you didn't care. Kissing him while the snow fell just felt too perfect.

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