Katsuki Bakugou x Reader: Adventure (Medieval Au)

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Medieval Au for Bakugou was requested! I've been wanting to write for him in this au for a while now so this gave me the perfect excuse. For this oneshot he will be the prince of dragons and the reader will be a healer traveler passing by. Enjoy!

You rarely stopped moving. Traveling from village to village, healing countless people was what you did for a living but you refused to stay put in one place for too long. If you stayed you might get attached.

Right now you were in dangerous territory, dragon territory to be exact and you were getting a little nervous. There were a few villages father up in the mountains and you needed to get to one of them before sundown or else you were toast.

You leaned against a tree to take a look at your crudely drawn map again. It seemed like there was a shortcut to one of the villages that went down a small canyon.

That might give me enough time to make it, you thought. You rolled up your map and stuck it back in your satchel.

The canyon seemed to be a few miles away so you headed for it at a faster pace than usual. You would barely make it to the village before the sun set at this point. 

You hurried down the mountain as fast as you could and the sun was starting to go down by the time you got to the small canyon. There was no time to waste!

You climbed down the rocky terrain, afraid to look down at the ground below.

Well this isn't so bad, you thought cheerfully. Suddenly a huge gust of wind blew into the canyon and you were thrown back. Your back hit a large rock with a thud and your head spun. What had caused such a gust of wind?

"Damn it...what the hell?" You asked yourself, and then you heard it. A low guttural growl made your blood run cold. You knew that sound. A huge shadow appeared above you, there was no doubt about it. "N-No..."

You looked up and was greeted by the sight of a huge red dragon above you, its teeth bared ferociously at you. This was it, there was no way you were going to fight a dragon.

"I suppose I've lasted longer on my travels than most. If this is how it ends...I'll take it." You told the beast, who flapped its wings a few times to keep itself in the air. It made no move towards you, it was just observing you now. "What's the matter? Scared of me? Don't make me laugh." You said dryly. Your head throbbed painfully, and you reached up to touch the back of it.

Your hand came back stained with red blood and you cursed under your breath. "Just hurry up and do it already! You've already injured me!"

"We're NOT scared of you, bastard!! And we're not going to kill ya either!" A deep voice yelled out, and you smiled.

"I must be hallucinating now...a human...can't be near a dragon." Your eyes closed and you slumped over on the ground.

"Oi, stay with me! I can't have ya dying on me yet!"


You awoke to the sound of distant yelling. Not the best way to wake up from a mild concussion that was for sure. You sat up and observed your surroundings with squinted eyes.

The room you were in was dark and cave-like save for a few candles on holders that were attached to the stone walls. The brown satchel that you carried with you was sitting on a chair thankfully. It had all of your healing herbs and potions after all. You were in a huge bed, with orange and red blankets. These colors were rare to get because the dyes were so expensive! Where the hell were you?

You tried to get up but winced. The back of your head was a bit sore and...wait did you have bandages on your wound? So whoever rescued you had pretty good medical knowledge. This whole situation was so confusing and who was yelling in the distance?

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