Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: Love You

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I want to see him have more screentime in season four, it's going to be awesome! Here's some cute fluff while I wait patiently for the new season >_> Enjoy!

The sunlight filtered through the green leaves above the two of you, dotting Amajiki's face with specks of bright white light. The light caught in his dark eyes made them seem like they were sparkling stars and the corners of his eyes crinkled when he flashed a wide toothy grin in your direction, showing how happy he really was. 

Then his eyes turned serious and his strong hands grabbed yours, warmth spreading throughout your body. "I love you y/n! I'm sorry it's taken me so long to s-say it, I guess I lacked the c-courage for a long time. But I really love you so much!"

His arms looped around your back, pulling you into a tight embrace. You breathed in and felt comforted by his familiar scent, pine trees, and lavender. When he was close to you like this you felt like nothing could ever harm you. You truly felt safe.

"I love you too Tamaki." Your heart was beating so fast and your mind was racing with thoughts. But you knew that you truly loved him and he loved you back.   


Three years had passed since Tamaki had told you he loved you under that large oak tree which made you wonder where the time had gone. Now the two of you were pro heroes and he was already in the top twenty heroes list of Japan, while you were steadily climbing the ranks in the top thirty.

Work was hectic. Saving lives all day was exhausting and emotionally draining. So when you got home late every day you were glad that Tamaki understood how you felt, and he knew how tired you were.

He could be very domestic sometimes and when you were too tired to do anything he would take care of you. Cooking food for you was his specialty since his quirk forced him to be creative with what he ate. No one made a better roast chicken than him and you never could say no to him when he offered to make this for dinner.

Today was one of those tiring days where you came home completely worn out, the exhaustion seeping into your bones and making every movement of yours feel like it lasted an eternity. You opened the door to your shared apartment, took off your shoes, and silently made a beeline for the couch. With a sigh, you flopped down belly first onto the couch and closed your eyes. You were not even sure if Amajiki was home yet but that did not matter.

There was no way you were getting up now.

It felt like only a few minutes had passed when a gentle hand touched your shoulder. A familiar soothing voice resonated in your ears, urging you to wake up. 

"Umph, Tamaki? Is that you?" You questioned, sitting up with your eyes still closed.

With a light chuckle he replied, "Yeah, it's me y/n. Glad you're awake, dinner's ready now."

You cracked open your eyes and tried to rub them like you were rubbing the sleepiness away. "Dinner? What time is it?"

"Hmm, like seven o'clock. You were out like a light w-when I came home, so I just let you sleep." He told you. "Tough day at work?"

"Yeah. What about you?"

He paused, eyebrows furrowed as his face clouded over with a pained expression. "Y-Yeah. I saved someone but they still had to go to the hospital in critical c-condition." He said in a quiet voice while you listened to him in silence. "I-I feel like I didn't really help, I mean they still had to be hospitalized."

"Tamaki no. You said you saved them right?"

He nodded and you got off the couch, walking over to him with a kind smile on your lips. "Then you did everything you could. You're their hero." You placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Today I watched four villains walk free because there wasn't enough evidence to arrest them. It can be really easy to think this is futile, but it's not. There's always tomorrow Tamaki, just remember that."

His beautiful dark eyes gazed at you and you could tell that he was letting your words sink in. "I'm sorry I fell asleep, next time wake me up and tell me that your day was tough. I'll take care of you. I love you." You said. He moved forward and kissed the top of your head.

"Thank you y/n."


One year later

The sounds of your daughter's cries echoed throughout the apartment, waking you and Amajiki up almost immediately. Amajiki threw a dark grey shirt over his head and rubbed his eyes. "Isn't this the third time she's woken up tonight?" He asked while you padded silently across the bedroom.

"Yeah, she's being really fussy I guess." You replied before letting out a huge yawn. "I can go check on her."

"No, I'll go with you. I'll try and make her laugh while I'm at it."

The two of you walked over to her nursery and it seemed like as soon as you walked into the room her crying subsided. You leaned over her crib with a tired smile, your eyes meeting her dark blue ones. Her tiny nose scrunched up and she broke out into a wide smile. She reached out for you and you grabbed her tiny hand in yours and held it. "I-I think she tricked us!" Amajiki whisper-yelled at you.

You laughed and said, "Yeah, she really did. But look at her, she's so cute I think I already forgive her."

Amajiki sighed, gently rubbing the top of her head. "Same here. Aw look at her little fingers, they're so chubby."

A chuckle left your mouth and your eyes glanced over to Amajiki. He was smiling sweetly down at his daughter and your heart became overflowed with love. "She's got your eyes Tamaki, they're so dark and pretty."

He moved closer to you and kissed your cheek. "Well, she got your beautiful hair that's for sure."

You pecked his lips quickly and smiled. "Love you."

"I love you too."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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