Shinsou Hitoshi x Reader: Nap Time

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A Shinsou parenting scenario was requested a few weeks ago, and this is the first parenting scenario that has been requested for Shinsou which is exciting. Also the song that I used in here is by Mindy Smith and it's called "It's Amazing." Enjoy!

Had your bed always been this comfortable...this inviting? When was the last time you or Shinsou had had a good night's sleep? Who's to say but right now your baby girl, Tama, was sound asleep while you and Shinsou tried to make as little noise as possible in an effort not to disturb her. You both were lying down on the bed but sleep was already overtaking you.

"Hitoshi...I'm gonna sleep for a bit. Wake me in an hour?"

"Sure...sounds good." he said, his voice muffled by the pillow he was using to cover his face. "Uuugh, I shouldn't complain though...I'm always the sleep deprived one anyway. I guess I'm just used to this. How long do you think I could go without sleep."

"Mmph...I love you...but please shut up now...sleep...too important." you mumbled, closing your eyes and drifting off to sleep almost immediately.

When you woke up everything was still quiet and Shinsou was not in the bed with you. You assumed this was a miracle! Tama had finally let you sleep!

You shuffled into the living room but was surprised by Shinsou who was already sitting on the couch with Tama. He had her swaddled in a purple blanket while he whispered something in her ear. You noiselessly crept closer to the pair, not wanting to disturb either of them.

"Baby doll, my baby doll                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       You're just fine 

The way you are                                                                                                                                  

So what's the matter?                                                                                                                                          

Where's the problem?                                                                                                                                                

They don't love you                                                                                                                                                 

'Cause they don't know you like I do." Shinsou sang to Tama sweetly, his deep voice coming out smooth and clear like a bright sunny morning. Tama opened her dark purple eyes, almost carbon copies of her father's (minus the eye bags) and stared up at him, unblinking. Shinsou stopped singing for a moment, seemingly lost in thought.

"Aw, you're trying to be cute now huh? Well you're really good at that sweetie...wanna see of mommy's awake? I won't move until you say 'yes' ok." he said to her. Tama made a deep gurgling sound, followed by a small giggle which Shinsou must have taken as a yes. "Alright let's go."

Your eyes widened and with lightning fast speed you bolted back to the bedroom, diving under the covers as quickly as you could. Not seconds later, Shinsou walked in and carefully sat at the edge of the bed.


"Mmm? What's up?" you asked, pretending to wake up. Your acting skills were to be feared that was for sure.

"I think Tama wants to say something to you...go ahead Tama." Shinsou cooed, holding Tama out a little bit. A few seconds passed before she re-opened her beautiful amethyst colored eyes, making your heart race with love. She made a few quiet noises before smiling and closing her eyes again.

You moved to the edge of the bed with them, a bright smile on your face despite your exhausted body. "Wow...she's so amazing and she knows it huh?"

"Haha, yeah she definitely knows it." Shinsou replied. Wordlessly, he moved forward and kissed your lips gently. "I think she gets that from her mom."

You chuckled, one hand caressing her small forehead while your other hand ran through Shinsou's dark purple locks. "That's good. She'll have high self-esteem, but unfortunately I think she picked up on your crappy sleeping schedule."

" some lose some." Shinsou said with a grin. With that your body began to feel worse, so you decided that another nap was in order. This time though you had your two favorite people join you for that nap, but that just made it even more perfect.  

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