Katsuki Bakugou: Rescued

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Like my other Todoroki oneshot before, this won't be an x reader it'll just be some students of Class 1-A interacting with each other. This was a very cute request so I hope you all like it. Enjoy!

Bakugou always woke up on time for school because he didn't want to be late for class like some of his loser classmates. He always walked the same route to school to avoid any unwanted distractions. However there was something different about this morning.

Right in the middle of the road in his neighborhood there was a tattered cardboard box with holes all over it. It was definitely suspicious. Bakugou approached it cautiously before cursing under his breath at the horrible smell coming from the box.

"What the fuck?" he asked himself. He carefully moved the box to the sidewalk before steeling himself and looking inside it. His crimson eyes widened at what he saw.

Inside the box was a small puppy that had its eyes closed. Bakugou groaned as the filthy smell of the puppy hit his nose fully. The puppy was still breathing normally though, based on the steady rise and fall of its chest, but no one had taken care of it for a long time.

Bakugou felt anger boil in his veins. Why would someone do this to a puppy, there was no good reason at all! "Some fucker just abandoned you huh? Well that's real shitty!" Bakugou shouted angrily, his loud voice startling the puppy and making it pick its head up. 

Bakugou stared at it for a second, thinking that there was something wrong with the puppy's eyes until he realized just what it was. "Shit...you're blind aren't you? Damn it, well I'm not going to be late for school just for this. Let's go!"

With that Bakugou grabbed the box and sprinted back to his house, leaving the puppy in the hands of his very surprised mom.


He barely made it to homeroom in time, but no one seemed to notice this which was good. After seeing a blind abused puppy abandoned in a box he wasn't really in the mood for being talked to. The day went by quickly enough but he was anxious to get home and check on the dog. Not that he was going to keep it, he just wanted to make sure it wasn't dead.

"Yeah, I don't really care about it that much." he mumbled to himself, shoving his hands into his pockets as he walked out of the school building for the day. Even though that's what he told himself, he practically ran home as quickly as he could.

He burst through the front door of his house and yelled, "How's the dog doing!?"

His mom jumped up in surprise but she regained her composure. "Katsuki don't just start yelling as soon as you get home!" She yelled, unaware of the irony. "The dog's fine, I cleaned her up myself."

Mitsuki led her son the living room where the dog was lying down fast asleep on a pile of soft blankets. "And she's definitely blind because she kept bumping into things after I gave her a bath. What kind of people would just leave her out there like that?"

"Motherfuckers that's who! They're just lucky I didn't catch them doing it, I would've killed 'em on the spot!" Bakugou growled, his face going red with anger. He reached over, gently petting the dog's soft black fur. Mitsuki wanted to reprimand him for his language but she was surprised that Bakugou was being so protective of this dog. 

Maybe this would be a good thing for him. "Do you want to keep her? You're going to take care of her though, that includes cleaning up her--"

"Yeah I'll do it!" Bakugou replied, not even waiting for his mom to finish talking. "I'll be the best goddamn dog owner on the face of this planet!"


2 weeks later

A lot happened to Bakugou after he had taken in the poor puppy, who he had named Queen Murder (after much thought of course). He had to go away for a while to the training camp but then he got captured by the League of Villains...twice.

So, now Class 1-A were going to be living in on-campus dorms for the time being but Bakugou's anger at this couldn't be calmed. How was he supposed to take care of Queen Murder now?

Well he was a good student. That meant he could bend the rules a little bit.

"Ok Queen Murder, you're going to have to stay here for a few hours while I go train." Bakugou explained to the small pup who looked up at him with sad brown eyes. She had recently gotten better at sensing him and where he was, so her blindness was pretty much a non-issue now. 

Bakugou glared down at her in mock fury. "D-Don't gimme those fucking pouty eyes! With the money I make as the number one hero I'll be able to get you a million of those shitty dog treats you like, so me training is actually helping you too."

Bakugou was trying to be reasonable with Queen Murder, but she wasn't wavering. Who knew having a dog could be so stressful? Just as Bakugou was about to cave in and just stay in with her there was a loud knock at the door.

Bakugou eyed the door, already sensing who it was."Oi Bakugou are you ready to train? Me and Kaminari have been waiting forever!" Kirishima said, and Bakugou's eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

"I'm almost fucking ready! Didn't anyone teach you how to be patient!" Bakugou roared angrily. Kirishima was unusually silent for a moment, until he jiggled the doorknob and walked into Bakugou's room.

"I'm a very patient person Bakugou in fact I...I...uuuh is that a dog?"

There was a good minute of silence between the two boys until Bakugou spoke up. "Well what the fuck do you think it is? And she's not just some dog, she's Queen Murder and she deserves your respect!"

Kirishima stared wide-eyed at the boy and his dog before cracking a small smile and squatting down on the floor. "Can I pet her?" He asked.

Bakugou nodded, the frown on his lips lessening a bit. Kirishima ran his hand over her head before giving her small belly a little rub. Queen Murder rolled over, her tongue sticking out of her mouth just barely. "Aww she likes me!"

"Guess so." Bakugou said.

Bakugou looked up, sensing that something was wrong. There were a few idiots coming towards his room and the door was wide open! He hurried over to the door in an attempt to close it, but the three idiots were already entering his room.

"What's going on in here?" Kaminari asked, while Sero and Ashido looked around Bakugou's small room. "Oooooh I see a puppy! I thought only Koda had a soft spot for animals!"

Bakugou clicked his tongue in annoyance at the intrusion but he didn't kick the gang of students out. Instead he just suffered in relative silence as they petted, picked up, and eventually sang to Queen Murder. She seemed happy with the attention so Bakugou just took a seat on his bed and watched the show.

"You guys...you really are idiots." He mumbled under his breath, a small smile on his lips. 

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