Todoroki Shoto x Reader: Stay

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This is not a request, just a self-indulgent and short Todoroki oneshot lol. It snowed in my town for the first time all winter and I just thought of him ^_^ (I also was listening to a lot of studio ghibli soundtracks so idk if that inspired me). Todoroki and the reader will be aged up to about 25-30 years old. Enjoy!

"The cold front is moving in folks so be prepared for the snow and wind that will blow through the city tonight..."

You were barely listening to the weather forecaster on the t.v. in the living room while you shuffled around the kitchen and made dinner, but you did wonder if Todoroki would be alright on his patrol mission. 

You wished you could be there with him today, but it was your day off from the agency and a bunch of stuff needed to be done at home. You were both pro heroes so things like dishes and vacuuming were not the top priority.

While you finally put the casserole in the oven, Todoroki texted you a short message.

Running late sorry you don't have to wait up for me love you

You sighed but you knew that you had definitely not returned home for Todoroki multiple times because of your hero work, so you sent him a quick reply.

Alright be safe please! Love you <3

You put your phone away and focused your attention on the dinner you were making since there was not much else you had to do. After about thirty minutes you took the casserole out of the oven and sat down to eat by yourself. It had been a while since you'd had some true free time, so you changed the weather channel and watched t.v. until you began to feel tired.

You walked upstairs and got ready for bed.


White snow fell in flurries as Todoroki walked quickly towards his house. The snow made his costume and hair damp, which chilled him even more. Just out of curiosity he pulled out his phone and checked the time. His bright screen made him squint his eyes slightly and he groaned at the time.

Two thirty...I'm so sleepy... 

He shuffled through the door, glad the house was a lot warmer than the frigid outdoors. He was used to the cold because of his quirk, but that didn't mean he liked it. He ran a hand through his hair, and took his muddy boots off by the door but left his socks on. He was pretty hungry but he decided that there were more pressing issues at hand.

You. And sleeping.

He climbed the stairs and quietly went into your shared bedroom. The wooden floors padded his footsteps a bit, and he climbed into bed in his hero costume and everything. You sighed groggily and turned your body around to face him.

It was dark in your room but the moonlight coming through the curtains illuminated Todoroki's face beautifully. He gave you a quick kiss on your head, and wrapped his arms around your body. He then buried his face in the crook of your neck and you placed your arms on his back instinctively. 

"Ah! You're freezing!" you cried out in surprise, your hands becoming chilled by his clothes and body. Todoroki chuckled softly at you, his breath tickling your skin faintly.

"Can you warm me up?" he asked, his voice muffled by your neck. You smiled, your eyes still heavy from sleep.

"Sure...just stay with me for a bit," you said your eyelids dropping down already, "I'll warm you time." You yawned and let the much wanted sleep take you.

Todoroki planted a soft kiss on your neck before he drifted off to sleep, while the snow still fell outside. 

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