Tamaki Amajiki x Reader: Affection

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This is a request piece and since Amajiki is such a cutie I felt obligated to write this! ^_^ Also this is x fem reader because that was specific to the request (also f/c is fave color, and yes the reader and Amajiki are on a first-name basis). Requests are always welcome so feel free to send some in. Enjoy!

"Can you kiss me?"

"N-not r-right n-now...uhm...what about l-later?"

"No thanks...c'mon Tamaki it can just be a little quick kiss if you want."

"Y/n I j--j--just don't k-know. What if I m--m--mess it up??"

You sighed loudly but decided not to push him. So, you said to forget about it and you two went about your day at U.A. like normal. But you were definitely doubtful about Tamaki's feelings for you. You and Tamaki had been dating for a month and a half now but there was one simple problem that was bothering you. His lack of physical affection toward you.

A simple peck on the cheek would be fine for you, but Tamaki didn't even want to do that. In fact, ever since you two started officially dating he had become a nervous wreck around you.

Well, if you were being honest, he was always a bit awkward with you (that was just his nature). But it seemed like the added pressure of being your boyfriend made his anxiety triple what it once was.

You didn't want to be too pushy or selfish, you just wanted to show that you appreciated him and you wanted to feel like he appreciated you. Maybe if I sweep him off his feet with a romantic dinner, he might start to feel more comfortable! you thought while simultaneously taking notes in class. You thought it was a great idea. A nice dinner, just the two of you in a nice setting with no one else that could cause Tamaki to be anxious. And you knew just the person to help you.


"Wow y/n, you really went all out with the candles! And the flowers! And the food!!" Nejire exclaimed loudly. You turned to her and smiled proudly. You had completely transformed your entire living room into a romantic dinner setting.

You had placed small candles everywhere that you thought was safe, different flowers were placed strategically on the table that you had moved into the middle of the room, and you had hung up white fairy lights around the windows.

And the best part, in your opinion, was that your parents had to go on a hero mission that night, so the house was completely empty.

Not to mention you also made all of the food with Nejire's much-needed help. You had even ordered special butterfly cookie cutters just for the occasion since you knew Tamaki adored butterflies. You placed the plate of cookies on the counter and drummed your fingers against the cool surface. "Nejire, do you think it's too much?"

"Hmmm..." Nejire pondered for a while, tapping her pointer finger against her chin, as she walked around the room. "No, I think it looks amazing y/n! Tamaki will absolutely love it, I'm sure of it."

You sighed in relief at her positive review. "Thank you so much Nejire. I don't know what I would have done without you..."

"You probably would have failed!"

".....Yeah probably! Thanks."

"Mmhmm, now hurry up you have to get dressed and be ready before six!"


Nejire had left after you got dressed so now you were just waiting for Tamaki to arrive. You had on an f/c dress paired with black chunky heels. You left your hair down, deciding that it looked better down anyway. You twirled your hair around your finger as you watched the clock on the stove. Tamaki doesn't know anything...this'll be a fun surprise right? Hmm, but doesn't he hate surprises? No, not if they're this nice! Ugh, but where is he, it's almost six-thirty...

Suddenly you heard a faint knock on the front door. Your heart skipped a beat as you walked quickly towards the door. You patted down your dress as you opened the door and greeted Tamaki with a smile. His eyes widened as he took in your form and a fiery blush erupted on his face.

"Sorry I'm late, Fatgum wouldn't let me leave until I helped him find his favor--" Tamaki stopped talking as his eyes processed what you were wearing. "Wow...y-you l-look beautiful y/n," he said, his dark eyes still drinking in your form. You smiled even wider and chuckled. He's gonna love this surprise!

"Come in I have something to show you," you said beckoning him, "I really hope you'll like it."

He walked in and you led him by the hand to the living room. You tried to gauge his reaction to the romantic setting, but it was hard to tell because he was turning away from you.

"Tamaki...what do you think? My idea was to just have a nice dinner together so we wouldn't have to go out," you told him, but he was still turned away from you and now he was leaning forward against the wall.

"Uh, Tamaki?"

"What did I do to deserve you y/n?" he mumbled, his body still turned to you. You hadn't expected him to react like this to your surprise dinner, but you were also extremely flattered too. You walked over to him and gently placed your hand on his shoulder. He tensed and turned around quickly, the space between you two becoming smaller and smaller.

"Tamaki...I think I love you," you stated as he stared at you, open-mouthed, with eyes as wide as saucers. "You're amazing and you deserve so much more than I can give you and--" suddenly your words were cut off by a soft kiss directly on your lips. It happened so fast that your eyes were still open when Tamaki's lips left yours.

You opened your mouth to say something before you were cut off again by Tamaki's lips. This time he pressed against you more confidently, his hands reaching up and gently cupping the sides of your face, and then finally resting on the small of your back. You shifted closer towards him until there was hardly any space between your two bodies.

You broke the kiss first, as you were out of breath and your heart felt like it was going to explode, but you really didn't want it to end. When you opened your eyes you were met with a completely flustered Tamaki.

He was fidgeting with his hands and averting his dark eyes. A major blush was evident on his face, and you were sure that you looked the same. After so long, he had finally kissed you, and it was more amazing than you had thought it would be. You reached for his hands and grasped them gently in yours.

He was shaking slightly and you spoke softly to him. "Tamaki, that was incredible," you said almost in a whisper, "I mean how could you even think that you would mess it up? You're amazing!" you said, your voice getting slightly louder and his blush deepening.

"Y/n...you're the o-one that's amazing," he replied clutching your hands tighter. "Did you r-really mean what you said before? A-about...you k-know...l-loving me?"

"It's alright if you're not ready to say it Tamaki, but yes I definitely meant it," you replied without skipping a beat. You needed him to know how much he meant to you, even if you couldn't quite explain it with words. "I just n-need you to know that I do love you and...I don't know...I just want you to know that because it's just really important to me!" you said as you felt your face heat up.

You looked at Tamaki and was surprised to see the corners of his mouth lifting ever so slightly in a soft smile. "I...l-love you too y/n," he said looking you directly in the eyes, his dark eyes reflecting the fairy lights in a beautiful way. You felt your heart leap up in your chest and you started to lead him toward the dining table.

"Let's hurry up and eat sweetie, the food's probably cold by now."

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