Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader: Winter

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Fatgum/slimgum was requested and I am so happy to be finally writing for him! I have wanted to but I've always put it off like the procrastinator I am. Also, I used his first name throughout this oneshot...cause I wanted to. Anyway...have some winter fluff. Enjoy!

You used to hate winter. The never ending chill in the air, the stupid frost that would cover your cars windshield in the morning, and the bulky clothing had always aggravated you. The only fun thing about winter in your opinion, was being able to see your breath when it was especially cold out.

That's it. Or at least that was it, until you had met Taishiro.

You met Taishiro during the sweltering the summer when he was still a police officer. You had gone to the police station to complain about the structural damage done to your house by a recent battle between a hero and a villain. You just wanted to file a report or something, until Taishiro approached you with the brightest and most genuine smile on his face.

Taishiro personally went to you house and helped you fix everything that needed to be done. You liked him and his personality soothed you, so you began making things up.

"Oh yeah! This sink was also damaged...sometimes it just starts dripping." Was one excuse you used to get him to stay longer. He looked at you with his big eyes and would smile at you widely, probably already guessing that you were lying.

He eventually asked for your number, in case anything else broke down of course. But when you called him a few days later, neither of you were actually thinking about fixing anything else in your house.

After a few months of dating, winter finally rolled around and you absolutely dreaded it. You wondered if you could take off of work for at least four months and just stay in your house, but Taishiro immediately tried to convince you not to do that.

That was when he said it.

"My favorite season is winter! I just love everything about it y/n. The snow, the joy, the decorations, and the awesome gifts! Just everything is great! I'll show you how to appreciate the winter...you'll see."


And show you he did. He bought countless decorations including a ton of lights, five wreaths, and even winter themed food! He also bought two pairs of ice skates "just in case." 

You didn't even want to know how much all of that cost you two, because he seemed so damn happy to be able to spread the love of winter just for you. But the best part of winter was being cold. Yes, you never thought you would like being cold but Taishiro made you change your perspective very quickly.

It always started like this...

"Tai...I'm cooold. I think I'm gonna freeze to death." you complained, stretching yourself out on the couch until you legs hung over the sides a little bit. Because of Taishiro's regular size, he owned a huge couch that could fit him and you on it. He looked over at you, and immediately bounded over to you.

You moved over trying to give him room on the couch, and he plopped down next to you wrapping his big arms around you. You could feel the warmth radiating from him and you absolutely loved it. He never got cold in his fat form, plus he felt like a giant pillow which made you want to cuddle with him for hours.

"Y/n...I think I'm gonna fall asleep...mmph." Taishiro mumbled, leaning his head on top of yours. You chuckled softly as you closed your eyes. Well, that didn't take long at all.

"Sweet dreams Taishiro."

That's not to say that winter with Taishiro in is slim form was any less enjoyable. He was rarely in his slim form and he usually just wanted to eat the entire time to gain back his fat. But this was where the ice skates that he bought came in handy.

The chilling breeze nipped at your face as you and Taishiro walked towards the local ice rink. You tightened your scarf and pulled it over your mouth and Taishiro sighed loudly.

"I hate being cold y/n. It's awful. I'm hungry. And my legs hurt. And my head is cold. And--"

"Hmph! Welcome to my world Tai! It sucks doesn't it?"

He nodded his head quickly, his floppy blonde hair getting even more ruffled because of that. "Once we start skating, we'll warm up. Right? I've never done this before...so I don't know."

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled down at you. "I've never done this before either. I hope it turns out alright though!"

You opened your mouth in surprise. "T-Then why'd you buy them Tai?"

"I thought it would be fun to learn. Ya know?" he replied, his cheery smile growing even wider. You looked down at the snow covered ground and laughed. He was always so adventurous and willing to try new things. You really admired that about him.

"This will be fun. I just hope we don't get too bruised from falling so much."

"Don't worry sweetie. I'll keep ya balanced! People will think we're pros or something!"

"Pfft, alright then Tai."

You and Taishiro approached the busy rink , which was usually closed during the summertime since it was outside. But in the winter dozens of couples and families would flock to the rink and skate or buy hot chocolate and other goodies at the booths set up nearby.

You sat down on a cold bench and laced up your skates, carefully putting your regular shoes on the bench. Taishiro put his shoes next to yours and clutched your hand as he led you to the rink. You were already struggling to keep yourself balanced, but Taishiro held onto your hand tightly.

He got onto the ice first and pulled you closer to him so you could get on the ice too. He grinned lopsidedly at you and your legs started to shake.   

"Taishiro! A-Ah oh no!" you cried out as you nearly fell backwards onto the cold ice. Taishiro reacted to your movements quickly and he placed his hands on both sides of your waist and held you from behind.

"It's alright. I'll just push ya like this!" he said, as you two began to move slowly around the rink. Even in his slim form he was still incredibly tall, and his large hands kept you on your feet easily.

"Oh my god! Hahaha! This is fun!" you exclaimed as Taishiro picked up speed. "You're a natural skater Tai!"

"Aw, this is nothin'. It's way easier than fightin' villains!" he replied cheerily, and you laughed. Your eyes were watering slightly and your face felt numb because of the cold wind that whipped around you, but you didn't mind. Taishiro kept you steady and you trusted him more than anything.

You never did like the winter. It was an inconvenient season through and through. But spending it with someone like Taishiro definitely made it more enjoyable.  

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