Midoriya Izuku x Reader: Nerves

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I don't know why but just looking at a picture of Midoriya makes me happy ^_^ I got a bit carried away with this one, I'll admit it. For this oneshot the reader will have a quirk that specializes in defense: they can create illusions that can deter an opponent by making them hallucinate. Enjoy!

"Go again!" you ordered. From across the gym, Midoriya lowered his body into a nice fighting stance. His body began to glow as he activated Full Cowl with relative ease. With only three swift steps, going in a zig-zag line, he was nearly in front of you.

You gritted your teeth and activated your own quirk, trying to visualize what illusion you wanted to use. Think y/n! Think!

You created a fog-like smoke screen, putting your plan in action. Midoriya punched away the smoke screen easily, and tackled you to the ground. "Sorry y/n, but I guess I win--"

But just as quickly as he pinned you down, your body began to crumble into a pile of dust. Midoriya's green eyes widened, as he jumped up preparing for a sneak attack. His eyes scanned the gymnasium, but you were nowhere in sight. "Y/n?" he called out warily.

I'm sorry Midoriya, but I've been dying to test this illusion out!

You were hiding in one of the huge storage closets in the gym, like you were a puppeteer, pulling the strings from behind the scenes. You visualized the new illusion that you wanted to try out, and released it.

Hoping that your illusion was working, you waited patiently for Midoriya to give up. Instead you heard an ear piercing scream, and you tensed up. Maybe this  illusion was too intense for him...

Coming out of the closet quietly, you looked around, slightly worried about your friend. "Midoriya it's ok. It's not real, you know--"

"Oh, I know!"

Gasping you could only make out a green blur coming towards you. Midoriya immediately pinned you down to the floor, knocking the air out you. "Y-You t-tricked me! Damn it..." you spluttered out as you began coughing.

"Y/n? Are you ok? O-Oh man I got carried away--"

"No Midoriya! You were amazing! How the heck did you know that if you screamed, I would come out of hiding??" you asked him, regaining the air in your lungs.

"I guess I just thought it was a good strategy. It was nothing special." Midoriya explained bashfully. "But that last illusion you created...man it was scary! Have you been watching horror movies lately?"

"Uh-huh!" you confirmed, nodding your head. "But I had to visualize it in parts you see cause it was really complicated..."


"Hey Midoriya did you wanna walk home together?" you asked the green haired boy as your other classmates from class 1-A started to leave for the day. Uraraka had to leave quickly becuase her parents were visiting, and Iida had an important family meeting to attend. So, that just left you and Midoriya.

"Of c-course y/n. Hang on lemme make sure I've got everything..." he said getting up out of his desk.

As he rifled through his plain school bag, you started to feel a bit nervous for some reason. You wished Uraraka or Iida could be here, to ease your sudden tenseness. It was just you and Midoriya that were going to walk home together...alone...just the two of you.

"H-Hey Midoriya, I just realized...that I have, um, an important...meeting I've gotta get to. I completely forgot about it." you told him, unconvincingly.

"Oh really? That's too bad y/n. Let's walk together tomorrow then!" he said, beaming at you brightly, instantly making you feel guilty for lying.

"Nevermind I don't have a meeting, I don't know why I said all that. I'm sorry, let's just go."

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