Toshinori Yagi x Reader: Changes

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This was completely self-indulgent (it doesn't follow the manga timeline at all), so I apologize for that ^_^ I had this idea and I immediately thought this scenario would be perfect for Toshinori (in his non-All Might form). For this oneshot the reader will be fem. Enjoy!

You hadn't felt good all day. Your head throbbed and ached, as you struggled to keep track of the paperwork sprawled on top of your desk. A simple headache that started this morning had morphed into a blazing migraine as the day went on. Ugh! What the hell...I can't concentrate at all!!

You pinched the bridge of your nose roughly, frustrated that you felt this way. You walked across the hall, to inform the office's main secretary that you were going to leave early.

"Did you want me to just send your draft and your brief on the new hero laws out to the divisions?"

"That would be amazing...thank you so much."

She looked at you with concerned eyes, as she tapped her wooden pencil against her chin."Y/n, you look very pale did you want me to call someone?"

"Uhm no, I already called my fiance. Thank you though, you're seriously a life saver for sending my work out." She smiled saying it was no problem at all.

You gathered your important papers and folders into your large black leather bag as quickly as you could, closing your office door behind you.

Your phone buzzed in your pocket; Toshinori just sent you a text.


You breathed a sigh of relief at his silly text. Maybe just spending some time with him will make you feel better.

You walked out of the building, the crisp cool air of late fall hitting your face. Toshinori beeped once, and you smiled at his excitement despite your painful migraine. The warm heat from the car surprised you as you jumped in and fastened your seat belt.

"Hi Toshi, thanks for picking me up." you said leaning over and pecking his bony cheek. He smirked, but he still looked slightly worried. Well, he always looked perpetually worried, but this was different.

"Do you feel light headed? And are you in pain anywhere else y/n?"

"I feel a little queasy and my head is killing me. I just don't know, it feels like food poisoning to me."

".....But I'm the one who cooked dinner last night."

"Yeah then it's probably food poisoning." You said half-jokingly, rubbing your temples as soothingly as you could.

Toshinori looked over at you, his usual scowl had returned to his face. "Are you sure you're alright y/n?"

"Yeah I'm ok. Let's talk about something else." you said, eager to try and get your mind off of the growing queasiness in your stomach. "How was your day Toshi?"

"I-It was fine, Aizawa still acts cold towards me." Toshinori replied. "I'll get him to come around sooner or later though."

"I believe you will. How's Midoriya?" you asked. You knew all about One for All, and Toshinori had explained his decision to make Midoriya the next owner of it. You were nothing but supportive, and after seeing the way Midoriya acted in the Sport's Festival, you had begun to see what Toshinori saw in the boy. He was passionate, that was for sure.

"He's still adjusting to One for All...and he's going to train w-with Gran Torino."

"Woah. Aren't you like...really scared of him?"

"No! N-Not anymore, I-I-I think I've grown out of it." You're shitting me right now Toshi!  As much as you wanted to poke fun at him, you let it go.

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