Kyoka Jiro x Reader: I'm Sorry

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Another student I have never written for :0 sorry about that! Hope I did her character justice ^_^ Enjoy!

It all happened in an instant. One minute you two were shoulder to shoulder, joking around and sitting on the stoop of your house watching the sun go down for the night. But then there was a fleeting moment of silence between you two and suddenly her lips were on yours and your eyes were closed shut.

Your hands went to her soft purple hair, the strands gliding through your fingers like silk and her own hands clutched your shoulders. The kiss ended too soon for your comfort, but Jiro was a blushing mess when you opened your eyes. Her dark violet eyes refused to look at you and she twirled her earlobe jack around her finger like she was nervous.

"Y/n...I-I...I'm sorry I-I wasn't thinking. T-This was a mistake. I'm sorry!" She blurted out, shooting up from her place and walking away from you. Unfortunately you were still in complete shock that she even kissed you so you didn't chase after her. You just sat still, like you were frozen.

When you finally snapped out of it, she was nowhere to be seen. She probably ran away from here as quickly as she could and you felt a lump in your throat began to form. Was it really that bad to kiss you that she had to run away? What was her problem?

You sighed and went back inside, the sunset slowly ending until the light went dim and everything went dark.


The next day you practically forced yourself to get out of bed and go to school. You didn't want things to be awkward between you and Jiro, she was your best friend after all. This sort of thing had never happened to you before, usually you were the one pining after people not the other way around.

"I'll just act normal...maybe she won't even mention it." You grumbled to yourself when you were getting ready to leave for the day. "Yep, just be normal me."

You told your parents goodbye and walked out the door. The slightly chilly air made goosebumps appear on your arms, so you put on your sweatshirt and rubbed your arms to get them warm again.

"Hey y/n! Wait up!"

Kyoka? Why are you here? 

You stopped in your tracks and turned your head to the side. Jiro was running towards you, her straight hair looking a bit messier than usual. There were also dark circles under her eyes which she usually did not have. Did she not sleep last night?

"Hey Kyoko...what's up?"

"N-Nothing." She replied, a bit out of breath. "I uh--I was thinking about yesterday..."

"It's ok, you don't have to apologize again." You interjected, your voice coming out colder than you intended but you didn't really care. You were hurt. "You said it yourself. It was a mistake so let's just leave it at that ok?"

Jiro opened her mouth to say something but shut it when her words caught in her throat. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said especially since I was the one who kissed you...I should've taken responsibility for what I did."

You shrugged your shoulders. "Ok."

"I really like you y/n...I just didn't know how to deal with it right." She clasped her hands together like she was praying and she bowed her head. "I'm sorry, please let me make it up to you!"

You grinned a little and walked closer to her. You patted the top of her head and said, "Look at me Kyoka."

She did, her beautiful violet eyes staring at you with anxious anticipation. "You can make it up to me with another kiss...and a date." You said, smiling from ear to ear. "I know that's two things but--"

Before you could finish speaking, her arms were wrapped around you and her lips pressed on yours gently. You hugged her back, completely losing yourself in her touch. It was as if time itself had stopped.

When she pulled away from your lips but stayed in your arms you smiled. "You really like surprising me with kisses don't you?"

"I's too awkward for me otherwise." She said. "I'll end up over thinking things."

You laughed and spun around so her legs went off the ground. She held onto you tightly and you stopped spinning. "We should keep walking we're gonna late if we don't." You said, still smiling as you talked.

"Ok." She replied with a smile so bright that it made your heart skip a beat.

You were glad she kissed you yesterday, or else you wouldn't be so happy today that was for sure.

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