Tokoyami Fumikage x Reader: Healing

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Tokoyami, my emo bird boy, was requested! The reader will have a quirk that allows them to heal others, and their stamina varies from how complicated the healing process is. Enjoy!

The gentle breeze blew past you and Tokoyami, while you two walked home after school. You smiled contentedly to yourself, but Tokoyami huffed and pouted. The sun was shining strongly, which was making him squint his large red eyes in frustration.

He never did like the sunlight, not just because of his quirk either, he just was not fond of sunny days. "Y/n your house is still pretty far away isn't it?"

You thought for a moment before saying to him, "It's pretty far away, I can go on ahead if you want. I don't mind."

Tokoyami averted his eyes and seemed to be searching for the right words to say to you. "Um, y/n would it be alright if...we took a slight detour, just this once?"

"Um, ok...what are you planning Tokoyami??" you asked, curious at the sudden change of plans. The entire time you had dated Tokoyami, he usually did not like to deviate from schedules so this was very interesting.

"Just one of my favorite spots in the whole city. I didn't realize that it was so close to your house, until now." he replied, boldly reaching down to hold your hand. You smiled and grasped his warm hand gently, hoping that Dark Shadow didn't mind sharing Tokoyami for a bit.

You two walked at a slightly fast pace, you guessed it was because Tokoyami wanted to get out of the sun. He led you down street after street, until you he stopped at a rustic looking fence with a short gate.

"Here it is. A lot of people don't know it because there's no sign, but it's actually a public park." Tokoyami said, holding the tiny gate open for you.

"Hmm, the trees are very dense here." you commented. You couldn't even see past the first few trees, it was so dense. Beautiful wildflowers spotted the dark ground, and swayed in the breeze as you followed Tokoyami into the forest.

"Watch the tree branches closely y/n." Tokoyami whispered to you. You hummed in response and looked up at the large tree branches. You couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, and you frowned.

"Tokoyami, I don't see anything." you said in a hushed whisper. "Am I missing something?"

"Look y/n, there's one." Tokoyami said, pointing up to a nearby tree branch excitedly. You squinted and gasped.

Hanging onto the tree branch was an extremely tiny bird. The bird hopped from one branch to another before landing on the tree trunk, clutching onto it with surprising strength. It then proceeded to peck at the tree trunk, in short rhythmic beats.

You laughed quietly at the little bird, and Tokoyami placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. "It may not look it, but this park is home to hundreds of those birds."

"Wow! That's amazing, what are they?"

"They are Japanese pygmy woodpeckers I believe." he replied and kept walking. "The farther you get into the park, the more birds you see."

"Aww, do you feel more at home here sweetie?" you teased him playfully.

"Indeed..." he said trailing off in deep thought. You laughed and kept on following him through the woodwork.

Suddenly a tiny shape on the ground caught your eye. It looked like a baby woodpecker, but it was lying completely still. "Tokoyami hang on a second! I think there's an injured bird over here." you said running to where the bird was. Tokoyami's eyes widened, and he rushed after you.

Without hesitating you immediately picked up the tiny bird, and cupped it in your hands. You could feel it move slightly in your hands. It was still alive! You activated your healing quirk, and your palms and pupils began to glow a bright red.

If I can just find the wound then it'll be an easy fix...

Tokoyami watched you in awe. He had always loved it when you used your quirk, the glow that emitted from your hands when you healed someone was mesmerizing to him.

"Y/n, will you be able to heal it?" he asked you softly, still gazing intently at your hands.

"Mmhmm, I can see the wound...hmm looks like a stomach wound to me...a broken bone, kind of looks like a wishbone." you said. Your healing quirk allowed to "see" within living organisms body, hence your glowing pupils. Then you were able to heal them with your palms.

You held the bird healing the broken bone slowly and carefully. You felt the bird stir, finally renewed with life, and your heart swelled with happiness.

You gently placed the bird back on the ground, and it immediately flew back up on a nearby tree branch and chirped happily. You beamed at Tokoyami, and threw your hands happily in the air. "I did it Tokoyami! Wow, I don't think I've ever healed a bird before! So awesome." you exclaimed proudly, and Tokoyami smiled softly at you.

"Good job, I knew you could do it y/n." he told you, pulling you into a loving embrace. You returned the hug passionately, and quickly pecked the side of his neck. He hummed, and pulled away, still holding you close to him though.

"Thank you for bringing me here Tokoyami. This was awesome." you said quietly, resting your forehead on his and closing your eyes. You could feel his warm breath tickle your face, which filled you with a warm sensation in your chest.

"Thank you for following me here y/n. You're amazing."

"Aww, you're such a softie Tokoyami!" you teased, laughing at him but blushing anyway at the compliment. "Let's keep exploring this place."

"I would love to y/n."

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