Midoriya Izuku x Reader: Make it Count

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Look at this nerd right here, I love this manga cap of him ^_^ This is a request for a reader in class 2-A, so they will be a year older than Midoriya. Enjoy!

"Y/n go get some orange juice we're out." Your mom told you when she peered into the fridge. You sighed and put your phone down. Summer break was in full swing so you were becoming unaccustomed to moving around too much. But your mom wasn't really giving you a choice, this was an order.

"Alright, be back soon." You put on your shoes and marched out of your house, the humid summer air immediately hitting you like a truck. Cicadas chirped noisily in the trees and you set off on the short walk to the convenience store on the corner. You adjusted your baseball cap so it shielded the sun from your eyes.

This was your first summer spent as a U.A. student, next year you would be a second year and the pressure would just multiply. These final days of summer break might be the only few days that you would be able to relax for a while, so you were going to cherish the stifling heat of the summer as much as you could.

You picked up your pace until you broke into a fast run. Running felt so freeing, and even though the wind threatened to make your hat fly off you kept running all the way to the convenience store.

Before you went inside, you collected yourself, wiping some sweat from your brow and adjusting your hat one last time like you were some sort of cave explorer ready for the next adventure. You walked in, greeted the cashier, and hurried to the juices.

"Hmm...huh...pulp or no pulp? That is the question." You mumbled under your breath, your eyes traveling over the many juices. Someone chuckled lightly when you said that and you looked up to find the source of laughter.

A boy with unruly green hair and freckles was standing near the water, and he was holding about five bottles of water in his arms. You raised an eyebrow stared at him. His green eyes widened when he noticed you staring and he shuffled in his place like he was nervous about something.

"S-Sorry, I wasn't laughing at you I just thought it was funny...and t-to be honest you kind of look familiar." He said, a half-hearted smile lighting up his face.

You hummed before what he said fully registered with you. "Oh...well I'm a U.A. student. You might have seen me in the Sports Festival?"

His green eyes nearly exploded out of his head with surprise when you said this and he nearly dropped all of his water bottles. "Y-You're the one with fire quirk! Y/n! You were amazing, you made it into the top three! It's an honor to meet you!" He exclaimed with excitement.

"Please the honor's all mine." You replied with a sheepish smile. 

He just seemed to grow more excited by the minute though. "U.A.'s my dream school. I-I'm going to take the entrance exams soon, I-I hope I get in."

"That's awesome, I'm sure you'll get in." You told him. "Are all those water bottles for your training or something?"

He nodded and chuckled. "Y-Yeah, I must look pretty crazy with all of this water though. My mentor has me on a strict diet!"

"Hmm, interesting. So you know about healthy foods then?"

"Yep!" He replied with a smile.

"So which is better, pulp or no pulp?" You asked him.

"Pulp." He said like it was the most serious thing in the world. You laughed and took a carton out from the fridge compartment.

"Thanks. Well, I gotta go but I hope I'll see you this semester. U.A. is a really awesome place, it's definitely worth all of the work." You said to him which made his smile grow even brighter.

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