Todoroki Shoto x Rival!Reader: Realizations (part 2)

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Here's a heavily requested part two! I hope you all like how it turned out it was a lot of fun to work on ^_^ Enjoy!

Having a rival was a lot like having a constant headache. It was annoying, it was distracting, and it sure as hell wasn't fun. Well, if you were being honest, it was a little fun.

Todoroki got flustered very easily, especially when he lost a match to you, which never failed to amuse you. Today you had beat him to class by at least five minutes, and even though it was downright petty, you couldn't help rubbing it in his face.

"Get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning Todoroki??" you gloated, leaning forward in your desk that was right behind his. You laughed at your own condescending words, and Todoroki slowly turned around to face you.

"Stop it y/n." he told you, with an icy glare. His words lacked any playful tone, and his eyes were boring into your own harshly. You gulped, suddenly feeling strangely intimidated by his cold demeanor. Usually he would retort back, or roll his eyes at you, but this was different and kind of unlike him.

"S-Sorry." you replied softly, leaning back down in your chair. He frowned and turned back in his seat. Neither of you spoke to each other that entire class period.


The day was finally over and you quickly packed up your things in your backpack, eager to get home and eat. You said goodbye to Yaoyorozu and Jirou, and left the classroom. U.A. was not really near your house, so you had to walk to the train station first and stay on the train for a few stops before you could get home. Luckily the station was close by though.

You walked in silence, trying to think of new uses for your quirk, before a familiar voice cut through your thoughts.

"Y/n! Wait for me."

"I don't feel like it." you said coldly, turning around and activating your quirk. Todoroki immediately stopped running so fast, and he frowned at you.

"Stop it y/n." he said, still frozen in place.

"Huh for some reason I'm getting deja vu right now. Oh yeah that's right, because you already told me that today!" you shouted, getting more and more agitated with him. Despite your annoyance, you still deactivated your quirk, not wanting to yell at him and use your quirk at the same time.

"I know I snapped at you. I just had a bad morning is all. My dad just said some upsetting things." he said looking down at the grey, cracked, sidewalk. He looked really sad in that short moment, and you felt compelled to try and say something comforting.

"Well there will always be bad mornings Todoroki. You...can talk to me about it if you want...I mean only if you want!" you said, cupping your face with your hands. "I mean I know we're competing with each other, but if we're having a hard time with something...we should let each other know."

Todoroki looked at you, his intense bi-colored eyes wide and shiny. He looked taken aback and shocked, as if no one had ever said anything like that to him before. He opened his mouth to speak, his voice quiet and soft. "Thank you y/n. That means a lot, especially coming from you."

"What do you mean? I'm always wise like this!"

"Pfft, no you're not. You're always mad and stubborn and you never want to admit when I'm right."

You shook your head furiously. "I don't really see the problem with those things! I'm awesome and you know it!"

" are." Todoroki said, and your mouth hung open. He didn't look like he was joking, which both frightened you and astounded you.

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