Mirio Togata x Reader: Romance

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Sunshine boy is here! I'm glad he still has a big presence in the manga and someone requested this...so I said yes cause I was in the mood ^_^ For this oneshot the reader will be quirkless. Enjoy!

You remember the day the doctors told you and your parents that you were quirkless. It was one of the happiest days of your life! Both of your parents were pro heroes and they wanted nothing more than for you to be a hero, even though you didn't want to.

The stress of being a hero just didn't seem worth it to you. So while they were wracked with sadness and guilt at your quirkless state, believing that they had done something wrong, you couldn't be happier. Now you were free to choose whatever you wanted to do with your life!

So you became a doctor.

You had always enjoyed the science behind saving people, and you were looking forward to beating out some of the doctors with convenient quirks. But that was beside the point. 

Today was the last day of your residency, so after today you were going to be a full-fledged doctor! Hopefully it will be an easy day so you could maybe catch some much needed sleep...

"There was a villain attack nearby! We're gonna get the brunt of it people! Get ready!" the chief e.r. surgeon yelled out literally as soon as you walked into the hospital. You rubbed your eyelids in an effort to wake up a little bit, sighing loudly as you did. It wasn't going to be an easy day after all.

The doors opened and a stream of EMT's poured into the hospital with their patients on gurneys. "Y/n take the blonde to emergency room four!" the chief ordered, wheeling over a blonde man on a gurney to you. His eyes were closed and there was blood seeping through his clothes on his right shoulder. His blonde tufts of hair were sticking to his forehead because of his sweat, but you could only identify one wound, which was good.

Without saying a word you wheeled him to the emergency room along with a few nurses and got to work.



"Ah! Y-Yes?" You said groggily, sitting up immediately. You were on break and you had decided to drift off to sleep on an extra hospital bed in the storage closet. Only nurse Kaya knew you did that, and she could be very impatient.

"Your boy woke up. Mr. Togata...do you know who he is?"


"Well lemme just say this. You might want to get his autograph while you're at it. He's really famous after all." she said, already turning around to leave.

"F-Famous!?" you spluttered, grabbing your sneakers and shoving them on your feet. "How famous!?"

The man in question was already walking around his hospital room, despite being told not to by multiple nurses. But he was much tougher than he looked, especially after being a pro hero for a good seven years. He heard two loud footsteps stomping towards his room and he immediately rushed back towards his bed to try and pretend that he was asleep. 

However, he wasn't quite fast enough, and the doctor got a great view of his butt as he tried to dive under the covers.

"Oh my...you shouldn't do that. You might tear your stitches and then you'll be in a world of hurt." a sweet but firm voice said to him. He wrapped the thin hospital blanket around him and made himself as comfortable as possible on the bed.

"I don't know what you...you...you're...uh..." Togata stammered as his eyes took in the doctor standing before him who looked like they were around his age. Their eyes looked so kind and the small smile gracing their soft-looking lips was breathtaking. Togata was usually very talkative but this time he stayed silent, at a complete loss for words.

"Mr. Togata? Are you alright?"


"Where are you right now?"

"...H-Hosu General Hospital." he responded, not even blinking his large blue eyes, because he feared that if he took his eyes off of you for one second that you would vanish. But the way you sighed and moved closer to him was all too real.

"Ok so I'm ruling out any head trauma...do you lose track of your words often?"

"Only when I'm around beautiful people...y/n?" Togata said eyeing your name-tag. "That's a pretty name!"

Your eyes widened for a moment at Togata's directness, but to his joy you chuckled at his flirty comment. "Togata is a pretty fine name too. How's your shoulder? Any pain?"

"Nope! I'm in tip top shape doctor y/n!" Togata said with a bright smile, his eyes gazing into yours for a moment too long. 

And so started the romance of the century! Or at least that's what he called it...

1 year later

"Mirio...blue or black?" you asked holding up two plain shirts for your boyfriend to look at.

"You'll look great in both y/n! This is just a casual, nice, much needed date so whatever you wear will be awesome!"

"Thanks." you replied, choosing the blue shirt after a few more moments of deliberation. You could feel yourself start to blush and you cursed Mirio's ability to still make you flustered! It just wasn't fair! "It is a much needed date..."

"Eh, I get it y/n. You're saving lives and I'm saving lives...we're pretty busy people." Mirio said as he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, gently pulling you closer to him. His nose bumped against yours, his intense eyes looking at you with such a tenderness that you almost forgot what to say.

"Mmhmm. But I guess some people will have to wait for us right?" you said, smiling a him before pressing a light kiss on his soft cheek.

"You're awful y/n. But you're right!" he replied, leaning in close for a proper kiss on the lips.

Yes it's true that you never wanted to be a pro hero, but you were glad you were dating one. That was for sure! 

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