Shindo Yo x Reader: Control

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I'm slowly getting through the requests and I'm very proud ^_^ Since school has started up again I won't be updating everyday (like I was kind of doing) but I will try my best! For this oneshot the reader will be a student at Ketsubutsu Academy. Enjoy!

"Hey y/n I have to tell you something. Stop whatever you are doing!" Shindo announced during lunch. His dark eyes were wide and bright, so you were expecting exciting news. But...

"Umph I'mf eatin..." you tried to say through the yummy noodles in your mouth. Shindo waved his hand dismissively at you, obviously not caring.

"Well try to eat and listen y/n! Because you're looking at the guy who will be one of the strongest pro heroes out there!" Shindo said. You raised an eyebrow while you continued chewing slowly.

"I amf? Oo are?"

"Um...yes you are because...wait for it..." Shindo said, reaching into his pants pocket. He pulled out a small ID card and held it up for you to lay your eyes on. "Because...I just got my provisional hero license! Read it and weep y/n."

Your eyes widened with surprise at the sight of a real license. You swallowed your food immediately and leaned your body forward across the table so you could get a better look at his license. "Damn! Your picture looks horrible though! You look like you're ready to kill someone to be honest."

"Pfft well my face was just...displaying...what I was feeling that day."

"Oh my! But it must've been so cool to pass! I can't wait to get mine. It's too bad that my testing group has to go a week after yours." You complained, resting your head on the cold surface of the table and stretching out your arms. 

Shindo chuckled lowly at you before you felt his warm hand rest on top of yours. "S-Shindo...we're at school..." You said in a hushed whsiper. You didn't dare to move your hand though, because even though he may not act like it, Shindo was very sensitive about these kinds of things.

"So what? Everyone knows we're dating anyway." He replied, squeezing your hand gently. You lifted your head up, you eyes meeting his for a brief moment before you dove in for a quick kiss.

Your lips enveloped his and you two stilled your bodies for a few seconds. Despite how nice it felt, you pulled away quickly, gazing back at Shindo.

His mouth hung open and his dark eyes looked glassy. "Y/ taste like noodles."

Heat immediately traveled to your cheeks at his comment.

What an ass! It's not like I want to taste like noodles...even though that's not that bad!

"B-But it was nice y/n! Now everyone will definitely know we are dating!" He continued. You noticed that the tips of his ears were turning red, so you decided to tease him a little bit. How red could your boyfriend get?

"You know Shindo, I don't know if people really got the message." You said in a low voice, as you gently pressed your foot down on his. With ease, you lifted your foot and skimmed over his muscular leg lightly. You licked your lips and Shindo bit his lower lip harshly.

Your foot was almost at his knee when he blushed darkly, and covered his nose with his hand. "Y/n...w-wait...h-hang on."

You stopped immediately, wondering what was wrong. "Shindo--"

"I h-have a bloody nose. I'll--I'll go to the bathroom!"

"No wait I have" you said, fishing a few badly crumpled tissues from your backpack and handing them to him. Him getting a bloody nose was not the outcome you were expecting, but it did make you feel good that you could affect him so much.  

"T-Thanks." he said, squeezing the bridge of his nose with one hand and covering his nostrils with all of the tissues.  "I-I don't know why this is's embarrassing."

You chuckled and raised an eyebrow at him knowingly. "Oh, I think I know why this is happening. I think I know exactly why Shindo."

"Why?" he asked, his voice sounding nasally from his nose...predicament.

"It's cause you like me so just can't control yourself!" you exclaimed, absolutely reveling in his embarrassment. Shindo tried to scowl at you, but it was hard for him since his nose was still bleeding at a constant rate.

"T-That's not true--" he tried to protest, but he stopped when he felt your hands move his messy bangs away from his forehead. You placed a quick peck on the middle of his warm forehead, not even caring if people stared. "Y/n..."

"Yes?" you asked, leaning back slightly, your faces still mere inches apart though. Shindo's hand tightened on the tissues while he mumbled something incoherently. "What did you say?"

"I-I think the bleeding's getting worse. I need to go to the bathroom!" Shindo said, hurriedly getting up from his seat. "W-Watch my food for me."

"Sure thing babe." you replied teasingly. 

I guess I should stop for now...I don't want him to bleed to death because I kiss him, you thought smiling in spite of yourself as you helped yourself to Shindo's fries.  

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