Tenya Iida x Reader: Love Letter

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I'm a sucker for romantic cliches so I wrote this one with Iida because I'm also a sucker for serious characters with big hearts! (also I've been wanting to use this gif for a long time lol). Enjoy!

You had a major problem. This was the sort of problem that was extremely hard to get rid of, and couldn't be solved overnight. The good thing about this problem was that you knew the cause of it. It was none other than Tenya Iida.

Every time you were around him, you felt sick to your stomach and your hands became warm and clammy. Every time he made flamboyant gestures with his hands and arms, you felt a rush go through your entire body.

At first, he had intimidated you to no end, but after he started talking to you more you realized that he was an extremely earnest and funny guy.

After you realized Iida had these aspects to his personality, you began to feel sick around him. He also occupied your thoughts constantly which confused you to no end. All it would take was for him to say your name with a special glint in his steel blue eyes, and your stomach did somersaults.

You decided to confront him about your newfound and very confusing feelings. You just didn't want him to see you in a different light because of how you felt about him. 

So, instead of confronting him physically, you decided to write him a nice letter that would bring your feelings into the spotlight without the embarrassment of confessing right in front of him. 

When he wasn't looking, you would place your letter into his backpack, he might write a letter back, and the problem would be solved!

As soon as you got home from U.A. you started carefully crafting your letter. 

Dear Iida,

Lately, I have been feeling differently towards you, but it is a positive feeling! Trust me. It is very confusing, but I think we should be more than just friends. I was wondering if you wanted to do something outside of school sometime. That is if the feelings are mutual.

Love, y/n

Huh, that a lot was shorter than I expected! you thought happily, as you carefully placed your letter into a white envelope.

You sealed the envelope and decided that you were ready to enact your plan tomorrow.


The next day you sat next to Iida at lunch like most normal and distracted him with a conversation about different hero family dynamics. While he was distracted you secretly placed your letter into his backpack. You hid it in one of Iida's many notebooks, hoping that it would take some time for him to find it. You were quite satisfied with yourself the rest of the day for being able to pull it off.

After that, the day went on as usual and ended quicker than you thought. You were just leaving campus before you heard a familiar voice call out your name.

You turned around and saw Iida running towards you quickly. "Y/n wait for me please!" he said politely and loudly.

"Iida! What's going on? Aren't you going to walk with Midoriya and Uraraka?" you asked him when he abruptly stopped in front of you.

"No not today y/n. I actually wanted to discuss the contents of the letter that you placed in my schoolbag," he said as he motioned to his backpack. Your heartbeat increased tenfold and your stomach began to feel queasy.

He wasn't supposed to find it today!

"O-oh really?! U-uumm..."

"When you stated in your letter that you wanted to be more than friends, I believe I understood what you meant to say," he said interrupting your stuttering excuse for a sentence. 

"R-really?" you asked as you breathed out and waited in anticipation for whatever he was going to say next.

"Y/n...do you want to be rivals instead of friends?" he asked with a booming voice, his glasses glinting dangerously in the sunlight.

Your mouth dropped open and your heartbeat returned to normal instantly.

H-HUH?! WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?? Was my letter too vague? Is he serious about this or is he trying to make a joke??

You froze in place and Iida began to shift his eyes around. 

"Haha...what?" you eventually said, breaking the awkward silence.

"In your letter...you said you wanted to 'meet up sometime.' Like, to train and spar against me?" he explained quickly and matter-of-factly, a small smile gracing his angular face. "Isn't that what you meant y/n?"

Oh boy...  

You snapped out of your state of surprise and immediately decided to clear things up with Iida. Even if it meant making things extremely awkward between you two.

"No Iida you're wrong. I want you to listen to me carefully for a bit please," you said rubbing the back of your neck and looking down at the ground in nervousness. 

"M-my letter, it was a...you know...it was a casual sorta...love letter. Lately, I've been feeling differently around you, and I've finally realized why! I like you a lot, I have a crush on you. My letter was supposed to be a romantic confession to you Iida." you said surprised at your own vulnerability. 

You glanced at Iida and almost gasped out loud. He was beet red and his hands were fidgeting uncontrollably at his sides. His glasses were sliding down his sharp nose little by little too. He gulped and jabbed them back into place roughly before looking at you square in the eyes.

You had never seen Iida look so flustered and confused before. You had to admit though, it was a good look on him.

"Y/n..." Oh boy... "I--um--please..." Oh jeez just say it already!  "Y/n...please accept my humble apologies regarding this misunderstanding!!" he finally exclaimed as he bowed his head down, showing how deeply sorry he was.

"Iida it's alright...really it's fine because my letter might've been too unclear, you know?" you said trying to clear the air a little bit.

"Y/n, now that I know that your letter was a coming from a place of affection...I want you to know that the feeling is indeed mutual." Iida confessed his blush darkening even more as he jerkily placed a strong hand on your shoulder. Your knees felt weak as you looked deep into his dark blue eyes.

You could feel your face getting warmer by the second, but at least you didn't feel sick anymore. Instead, nausea that you had once felt had been replaced by an intense feeling of happiness and joy. You leaned forward and pecked his cheek before retreating quickly and smiling giddily at him.

"Iida do you want to do something now? Like go on a proper date?" you asked as you reached out your hand to him. His hand that was still on your shoulder dropped and grasped your hand.

"I would love to y/n," Iida said, and with that you two walked off campus, both lost in each other's presences for the rest of the day.  

Bnha Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें