Mirio Togata x Reader: Blossoming

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Very cute request for Togata, with a reader that has the ability to make plants grow when she's flustered. Hope you enjoy it!

The train doors opened and people shuffled by to get on the platform. You followed the crowd, making sure not to bump into people on your way out. Being in crowds usually made you activate your quirk, so you were especially careful when you took the train to school. You didn't want to cover the tracks with vines again like last time...

Your phone buzzed in your schoolbag but you already had a pretty good guess of who was texting you. Ever since you told Togata the vine story he had been pretty worried about you, it was pretty cute. Not that you would ever tell him that though.

Togata: Y/n! How was the train ride, any strange happenings?? 

You laughed to yourself as you kept on walking out of the busy station. The sunlight hit your eyes and you turned up the brightness on your phone so you could text him back.

Y/n: No nothing strange lol 

Togata: Okie dokie! See u at school honey!

You sighed aloud, a smile pulling at your lips. Your legs seemed to carry you quicker down the sidewalk, you were just so excited to see Togata since you hadn't been able to see him all weekend. Togata was all in all a perfect boyfriend. 

He was so nice to you it was almost frustrating! His sunny personality definitely was one of the first things that made you fall for him, but now that you two were dating you felt like he was just settling with you.

You got nervous easily but Togata never seemed to get nervous at all. Maybe he would like someone who was more outgoing like him?

Perhaps you were just overthinking it though.

Finally you made it to U.A. High, the huge campus was a familiar sight to your eyes. You still couldn't believe that it was your third and last year at this school, by the fall you would probably already have a job at a hero agency. And you would be paying taxes too!

"I still don't know how those work." You mumbled to yourself as you walked into the school building. Your homeroom was on the third floor of the building, so you had some time to ponder how taxes worked when you climbed the stairs.

When you got to the classroom you were instantly greeted by Togata, Hado, and Amajiki who seemed to be already exhausted with the energetic duo that was your boyfriend and your best friend.

"Mornin' y/n!" Togata said, planting a quick kiss on your cheek. You blushed at the feeling of his soft lips on your skin but you were just so happy to see him you didn't mind the extra affection.

"Morning, how're you guys doing? I pulled an all-nighter yesterday studying for the exam tomorrow. I might do another one tonight." You said, making Hado laugh nervously.

"Yeah, I still haven't even looked at the book," she said, "so I think I'll just wing it!"

"Me too!" Togata replied with a bright smile. He shouldn't be smiling about not studying but you knew you were going to help him out anyway.

Maybe we should all have a study session together, you thought in silence but before you could voice what you were thinking Togata wrapped his arms around you and leaned his face closer to yours. Your noses bumped against each other and you widened your eyes in surprise. "M-Mirio what are you doing?"

"Oh I'm just saying hi to you properly." He replied. You looked at Hado and Amajiki for help but they just watched on. Oh well, if you were going to kiss someone in front of your entire class and friends it might as well be Togata. He lightly pressed his lips against yours before leaning closer and completely closing the distance between you two.

You sighed, and he moved away after only a few seconds. "Hi!" He said, giving you a wink. His winks always made you flustered beyond repair!

Oh no...oh no...not now...my quirk! 

In an instant you felt vines shoot up from the tile floor and  wrap around your ankles, and they climbed up your body, beautiful pink flowers blooming on them as they did. Vines ensnared Togata's body too but he laughed it off since he was used to your flustered outbursts. There was a good moment of awkward silence in the third year class but you decided to break that silence.

"H-Hi." You replied weakly, before bursting out laughing. Togata stared at you, his bright blue eyes widening as he realized how pretty you looked with flowers and vines tangled in your hair. He broke into a smile and laughed with you, tears forming in the corners of his eyes.

"Pffft, y/n....I'm sorry...bahahaha! I can't move my body!" He said and you retracted the vines, willing them to just go back in the floor. It was strange that there were plants in the floor anyway, you thought for once you were safe from your quirk! Now there were holes in the floor...but hopefully your teacher would understand right?

"S-Sorry, it just...you just surprised me," You said with a smile, "you always manage to surprise me Mirio."

He chuckled, and rubbed that back of his neck sheepishly. "Aww...wait that's a good thing right?"

You leaned forward and kissed his cheek, before nodding. "Yeah, it is."

Hado whistled at you two, and chanted, "Encore, encore, encore!" but unfortunately the bell rang and you all dispersed to your respective seats to wait for class to begin.


After School

"Bye guys!" You and Togata said to Hado and Amajiki when it was time to part ways on your walk home. They waved goodbye, and then it was just you and Togata. You two walked hand in hand in comfortable silence but Togata soon spoke up, his voice light and cheery as usual.

"Hey y/n, I didn't say this back at school but you looked really pretty when you had those flowers in your hair." He said.

You blushed hard at his words, but you were flattered all the same. "I-I didn't know you thought that Mirio, it was so embarrassing to lose control like that. I really should work on that...you don't think it's embarrassing?"

"What? No of course not! I think it's really cute when that happens. I mean, I don't want it to go fully out of control...but like...I just like seeing you get all flustered and stuff. It's selfish I know...but it lets me know that you still really like me." He replied. You smiled up at him, your heartbeat starting to pick up speed. But you weren't going to let your quirk get the best of you now!

"Mirio...you're a dork you know that?"

"Yeah I know!" He replied with a grin.

"But I think you look really pretty all the time Mirio...even when you don't have flowers in your hair." You said, your face lighting up in a sweet smile. 

His eyes widened at your reply but he soon broke into light laughter and he cupped the sides of his face. "Yeah I know!" He repeated and he swung his arm over your shoulder to lean on you, giving the top of your head a quick kiss as he did. "You think Principal Nezu will stay mad about the damaged floors though?"

"Yeah, we probably won't graduate now. Then we'll never be heroes." You said, immediately becoming stone-faced.

Togata chuckled nervously, and you smirked knowing full well that he couldn't tell if you were being serious or sarcastic. "D-Don't say that y/n, it might really happen."

"Well...at least we'll be together then."

"That's so cheesy! I love it!"

With that you two kept walking to your house, Togata's arm still slung over your shoulder, keeping you close to him the entire way and your doubts about him wanting a more outgoing partner melting away with every step you took.  

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