Start from the beginning

There was a knock at their bedroom door, followed by James Potter shouting "BREAKFAST!" and moving onto the next room.

"I can smell pancakes," Harry said, his smile growing.

"My favourite," Charlie laughed, she sat up, looking over at Coco who had just woken up. She was laying down on her bed on the floor, her head rested on a reindeer teddy that Harry had given her a few months back.

The pair got out of bed and padded downstairs, Coco running ahead of them, the warmth of the summer air was already hitting them. "It's boiling, already! It's only 10am!" Harry was saying as he sat down at the table.

"That's because it's summer, idiot," his sister replied.

"Where's Cece?" Harry asked as Lily handed him a plate of food.

"She's not awake yet," Lily replied, handing Charlotte a plate.

"Thank you," she smiled, reaching for the lemon juice and sugar.

James frowned at his copy of the daily profit, slamming his glass of orange juice down on the table with a huff. Harry and Charlotte exchanged a glance, neither one of them having a clue as to what had made him so angry all of a sudden.

"What's wrong?" Lily frowned, reading the paper over her husbands shoulder.

"Carla and Daniel Alarie," James shook his head angrily, "they make me sick! Look at them! They pretend to be so amazing-"

"Who?" Harry asked, his voice thick with complete and utter confusion.

Lily looked at James, an alarmed expression on her face. What were they meant to say?

"Charlotte's grandparents on her mothers side," James said bluntly, causing the sixteen year old to almost choke on on her pancakes. The thought of her mothers parents had hardly ever crossed her mind, she didn't have a single memory of either one of them and presumed them to be dead, given the fact that they had never been mentioned.

"Well, her grandmother. Addie would never class either of them to be grandparents, but Daniel especially, he was only her stepdad," Cece added, stepping into the room. "Why are they this mornings discussion?"

James held up the copy of The Daily Profit, and Cece squinted at the picture of the elderly couple at a fancy looking ball, wearing extremely expensive clothes.

"What?" Was the only thing that could come of Charlotte's mouth. She was finding it rather difficult to keep up with the conversation as hundreds of thoughts entered her mind.

"Before you ask why you've never met them," James pointed the newspaper at Lottie, "they're not good people."

"What did they do?" She asked, her mothers childhood had always been a mystery to her, perhaps she'd be getting answers to questions she didn't even know she had.

"They disowned your mother in her sixth year at Hogwarts; when they found out she was dying, they didn't even care. They didn't even come to the funeral," James explained, and Charlotte could tell that the elderly couple made him really angry.

"I can't believe you're only just hearing these kind of things about your own mother," Cece shook her head, her eyes sad.

"Why'd they disown her?" Lottie asked, "is it because she was expelled from Beauxbatons?"

"Mm, partly. They had so many rules for her to follow and expectations that she had to meet, Addie refused to follow so many. She was always in trouble, I think our pranks at Hogwarts just about topped her parents over the edge. Remus knows more about it then us though."

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