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Tw: mentions of sexual assault and self blame.


It had been two days since the events at St William's orphanage, meaning Charlotte only had one day of suspension left.

The fifteen year old had not been coping well.

She had barely left her room in Potter manor, and when she did she could barely come out with three words. She felt small and weak, she wasn't a brave Gryffindor, she had simply allowed Finley to rape her, they probably all hated her for it. It had been engraved into her mind that what happened was her fault, and that she was simply living with the consequences for letting it happen. She had turned to cigarettes, they were probably the only things that actually kept her calm.

James and Remus had both been worried sick.

The pair had spent a lot of time pestering Lily Potter, asking her questions about how Charlotte was doing and how they could help her. The only problem was, Lottie didn't appear to want their help, instead she had completely shut them out, not even wanting to face James.

In Lottie's eyes, human interaction would be too much. She needed time to think, time to process what had happened to her and talking to people about it whilst they give her sympathetic looks? She certainly didn't want that.

Although it had to happen on the day.

James had called the police after Charlotte had finished crying into her father's chest, and came over in an instant, one taking Finley down to the station whilst the other had a chat with Charlotte.

"Now Charlotte, I'm officer Samuel's, first of all I'd like you to know you're not in trouble." The woman said to the shaking girl.

Lottie merely nodded, feeling as though she was about to throw up as she stared down at the floor.

A tiny voice in her kept repeating it was her fault, it distracted her completely.

"Right then, have you ever had any form of relationship with Mr Anderson?" The officer asked, a clipboard and pen in her hand that James looked slightly confused over.


"No sexual relations?"

"No," Charlotte said firmly.

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