Chapter 43: Promise

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Eyes as clear as red gemstone hid within the ever expanding shadows. They held a brilliance to them, small and narrow but filled with so much life.

The individual who's these eyes belong to kneeled against the door-frame hiding himself within the casted shadow. He wore a firm stare, filled with anxiety but also a growing curiosity.

His eyes narrowed as he focused heavily on a young woman who was standing at the kitchen counter. Her hair was long and dark similar to the midnight sky, in contrast to this she had eyes that were bright and smooth as sapphires.

She wore a pair of dark rimmed glasses that matched the raven tint of her hair, and also stretched across the bridge of her nose.

The boy's eyes remained narrow as he continued to watch her, observing the small movements she would make with her hands. Before long a few awkward movements were made, and a muffled voice followed as well.

"I will never forgive them."

The voice was heavy, and sounded congested, almost as if they had been crying for hours.

The frame of her eyes were tainted red, and white streaks had been left on her cheeks from the tears that had crusted over.

The boy watched with a faint heart, unsure what the woman was doing, until she raised a white scarf to her chest. It was a scarf that he had seen her wear, now and again, but only during certain occasions such has when she'd leave in the night to attend her second job.

His thoughts stopped when he heard his sister speak once more, repeating the words he had heard only moments prior.

"I'll never forgive them, not for what they did to you. But our entire family..."

"To be casted away and live in fear knowing the days you have left are limited is not a life he should be forced to live!"

Her tone raised falling into a growl that managed to startle the young boy. The intensity in her eyes only grew, resembling a glare of an alpha wolf.

Instinctively the boy shifted his foot backwards causing the rubber of his shoe to create a loud sound against the hardwood floor.

The young maiden looked over suddenly with a look of shock, when she heard the sound footsteps trail down the hall at a fast pace. She appeared to be a tad bit concerned and followed the path of sound only to be led to the in which they shared.

She gripped the door knob only swing the door open and see a boy preparing to jump in bed. He had caramel brown skin, ruby red eyes, and messy blue hair. He was very short, and had a plump round face and appeared to be no older than 6 or 7.

"Renji, what are you doing?"

The boy slowly moved away from the bed and didn't allow his attention to shift from Natsumi for a single second.

He spoke sporadically seemingly not giving himself enough time to think of a lie good enough to fool her.

"What are you doing."

Natsumi gave the boy a dumbfounded stare a bit taken aback by his response "No no no."

"It doesn't work like that, you can't answer a question back asking me the same question."

The boy's eyes narrowed as he spoke in a somewhat defensive tone "Why not?"

"Because I asked you the question first that's why!"

Natsumi crossed her arms as her icy stare returned "I told you to go to bed 2 hours ago, what are you still doing up?"

The boy's brows furrowed as he watched her wolf like stare, it was intense and even though he has seen it many times before it always gave him the chills. He raised his finger to his cheek and scratched it sheepishly as he spoke mouse like in response.

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