Chapter 158: Bloodshed

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"I'm going to die?" Itsuki repeated Emilio's words as if he hadn't heard them correctly. "That's funny, Mei never mentioned that her son was a dumbass." Itsuki rose to his feet like a beast coming back from the dead. "Although I shouldn't be surprised you Amazons tend to be a bunch of shitheads."

Emilio's playful expression vanished in an instant. "How are you still alive?"

"We Mystic Beast are quite hard to kill." Itsuki frowned, his skin was as white as milk, and his voice as rough as sand. "It will take more than a heart attack to put me down for good." Itsuki felt his chest. "But I will admit that attack of yours did take me by surprise. I can see why Homura wants me to bring you back alive."

"But the chances of that happening is quite slim isn't it?" Itsuki took a step forward while Emilio remained unmoved. But eventually, Emilio smirked, "Maybe for you. But don't worry I plan on seeing Homura myself, and when we meet I'll bring her your head as a gift."

"Funny." Itsuki hardly looked amused. He raised his hand, forming claws, and dug one of his fingers deep into his neck. "But I'm sure you've heard of what happens when you cut off a hydra's head." Itsuki's body began to morph and multiply in size. His neck split, forming several necks to take its place. "Two more grow in its place!"

"Aisha! Muhammad!" Emilio called out to his allies. "Stand by for battle!" Muhammad, Emilio's Camel, began to gurgle and stomp in place as it spat a large spear from its mouth. The spear flew across the dunes and spun right into Emilio's hand.

Aisha, who was nearby, gave Emilio a small nod. "Always hasty to start a fight. No matter, this shouldn't take long." Aisha looked to her opponents. Emilio decided to take Itsuki on himself while she was left to deal with the rest.

Malik and Rose didn't appear to have much reiki; however, the one that worried Aisha the most was Rashid. He stood confidently amongst the hills of sand as if they were his home. No, Aisha knew they were his home. All of the Middle East citizens had heard tales of the Northern Conqueror and former King of Africa. Within a few years, he managed to colonize the entire continent, forcing every nation into a state of obedience beneath his rule.

Aisha heard stories from her village that Rashid's sandstorms were swept up by entire towns, while cities were turned to ash for standing against him.

Aisha raised her hands, cloaking them in a veil of green energy. Reiki swarmed across her arms before projecting itself as a wall of some kind, similar to Dustin's barriers.

"She can create reiki shields like that lightning woman." Rose scoffed, "How annoying."

"My my..." Rashid walked across the dunes as a sandstorm began to brew. "It isn't every day you see someone capable of manipulating reiki to this extent." Rashid poked the barrier, and begrudgingly brought his hand back.

"It isn't every day when you come face to face with that man who once called himself the King of Africa." Aisha retorted. "I may be confident, but I am not an idiot. I know not to underestimate someone like you."

Rashid half-smiled at the compliment. "Then you know this won't be enough to stop me, let alone the three of us." Rashid ensured. Malik was already beginning to transform into his hybrid state, while scales rode across Rose's skin.

"Of course not, but it'll be enough to keep the three of you at bay." Reiki flared from Aisha's body like a green inferno, and Rashid's stared in amazement. Like Zhu Li, and Itsuki Aisha had mastered the advanced reiki ability of flight. She levitated from the ground and floated in the air before snapping her fingers, sending forth a powerful shockwave that blew Malik and Rose apart.

Rashid swung his arms, bending the sand to his will to create massive golem shaped hands that grabbed his allies. "An i-invisible attack?" Malik coughed. Black blood spilled out of his mouth like a river of oil as Malik's body shriveled in the sand.

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