Chapter 95: Similar Spirits

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I just want to live a life without regrets.

A few hours passed allowing the day to run its cycle and soon welcome in the night. With the battle now over and Ren finally had a chance to rest.

His body still hadn't fully recovered from his run in with Mei, and the damage Ren took during his fight with Damien did nothing but prolong his initial recovery.

"Phew..." Ren let out a soft breath when he entered the bathroom, seeing it as the only chance he'd be able to relax. Similar to the night before Olivia allowed Ren to crash at her place, figuring he had very few options for where else he could go.

For this Ren was thankful, even though they had only spent a short time together Olivia was proving herself to be a phenomenal friend, and definitely someone he could rely on.

Olivia lent Ren her home.

Helped Ren get a new costume, and even held off Damien long enough that Ren could swoop in and finish him off.

Although she may not like to admit it, Olivia is very a kind person and is someone deserves more recognition than what she's actually received. "I should repay her somehow." Ren thought while turning on the shower quickly allowing steam to fill the room.

It was a kind gesture, but one that was much harder than it seemed. With everything Olivia has done it was difficult to think of a way Ren could properly thank her.

He had already bought her pancakes earlier, but things like food didn't feel of equal value to what Olivia has done for him.

She deserved something more.

Something better than what she already has gotten.

Ren pondered this while he undressed himself. He wasn't in deep thought about it, but figured some sort of gift would be good to stay in good graces with Olivia. After all she's seemed a bit pissy since they've returned back to her place.

Ren wasn't entirely sure why. It could have been because he suddenly threw her into the spotlight, or because of something else. Regardless the answer was completely unknown to him, and he wasn't going to sit around and harbor on it.

Olivia will shapen up eventually. She didn't seem like the type to remain moody for long.

"Maybe I'll ask Suzume what to get her." Ren thought about it for a moment before continuing on his verbal spiel. Speaking aloud to lay out all of his crammed thoughts "I am not to familiar with what girls like anyways, so maybe Suzume will have a better idea than I."

With a passive smile Ren slammed his fist into his opposing hand as if signalling he has made his final decision. "I'll definitely do that."

With each passing second steam filled the room making everything hardly visible. Ren looked around reaching outwards to make his way towards the shower. Even though he couldn't see a thing by relying on his hearing Ren knew what direction the water was coming from.

Once Ren got into the shower his mind once again flowed similar to the water than ran down his back. There were a lot of things on Ren's mind which was no different than the usual. Although this time he was left with more concerns than before.

The battle downtown left Ren feeling a bit withered, as if he had been the one who was actually defeated. Not Damien the person who no longer breathed the flames of life. Initially Ren found this feeling a bit odd, not quite understanding the reasoning behind it.

Damien was defeated

Damien was dead

Since Ren still stood why didn't he feel victorious. Ren questioned this mere moments after the battle only to arrive to the conclusion that it was because this battle was much different than any battle Ren has had up until this point.

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