Chapter 151: A Pack of She-Wolves (1)

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Suzume placed her hand on her stomach in cold silence. She had always wanted children, several of them, but to have one now would be too soon. 

"This isn't good." 

That much was obvious painfully obvious. Suzume felt her stomach more, sensing life but not enough to distinguish from her own.

"If I knew it were possible then I wouldn't have..." 

Suzume frowned a bit more since her relationship with Ryota bloomed; certain things regarding her body haven't been normal. Her womanly cycles were out of whack, and even the amount of blood and pain produced was more than average. Suzume had spoken to doctors and school nurses about it from time to time, and each one always told her the same thing.

"Your womb is damaged, the possibility of you having a child is slim. But the potential of you carrying a child is nearly impossible. The child will probably die before even experiencing its first breath..." 

Suzume had held onto those words her entire life. She never wanted to believe them as accurate. Ever since she was a child, all she ever wanted was a family. A family she could love, a husband she could cherish, and children that'd look like her that Suzume could coddle as much as she wanted.

"Suzume." Sarah called, reaching her hand out for her. Sarah placed her hand on top of Suzume's and gave her a look of genuine kindness. "I know the two of us haven't been particularly close, but I'd like to change that. With Nyssa being under our care, as well as Natsumi and Arthur depending on the two of us I think it would be best if we put our family disputes aside and try to work together. So if you need anything, I'll be here to help you out."

Suzume looked down; her mind was still in a daze. So much was happening that Suzume found it difficult to process everything. 

"I died and came back. I've been in a coma for a month, and now I'm fucking pregnant..."

Suzume wiped her weary eyes, brushing away the crust with her fingertips. "I don't even know what to do." Suzume lowered her head somewhat, trying her hardest to keep up her usual strong persona. But with the accumulating stress, that was proving to be more and more difficult. 

"I can't go home, if I do mother is going to be pissed. She'll be angry at me for carrying Feather instead of Shigure. She'll be pissed at me for looking the way I do, and worst of all..." Suzume felt her stomach once more and shuddered; her skin was as cold as ice. "If she learns that I'm carrying his child then she'll probably do something horrible."

Suzume didn't even want to think about it. All her life, Sayuri had always done horrible things to spite her, whether it was poisoning her friends, or bringing home "trophies" after undergoing specific missions.

"Is that so?" Sarah had heard rumors about Sayuri's dark tendencies ever since she was a child. Including stories that began to spread after Ryota's apparent death, with some claiming Sayuri pushed him to suicide, while others believed she had personally killed him. Regardless of how frequent these rumors may have been, Sayuri never addressed any of them. Merely sticking to her story that Ryota had a weak mind and died because of it.

It was because of these rumors that their Father Samwell, called off their marriage pact. Believing the Vermillions would be at risk if they'd associate any further with the Fumikos. Originally James suggested that the Vermillions and Fumikos should unite as one family since both families had dwindled significantly since the age of heroes. 

So Samwell played with the idea of proposing some sort of engagement between Seth and Suzume when they were older, however, after a few meetings with Sayuri, both parties decided it may not be a good idea to continue further a political marriage.

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