Chapter 49: Repetition

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History Has A Way Of Repeating Itself...

Somber sounds brewed as a collection of leaves danced within the wind. They were bonded together tightly similar to the couple that were coiled in a tight embrace.

It didn't take long for their lips to part, only to gaze into each other's eyes and be filled with a swarm of emotions.

Suzume's eyes seemed to part, growing to become narrow and almost daze like, completely losing herself in a wave of passion.

But Ren on the other hand seemed to be experiencing a much different feeling. His eyes remained wide, and his pupils were still. His scarlet eyes were glazed over emitting a pugnant aura that only seemed to corrode his vision.

Suzume stared at him a bit puzzled before raising her hand to caress the side of his face.


Despite her calling of his name Ren did not speak, instead staring at her with hollow eyes.

However this wasn't due to his lack of emotion in the moment, but due to how the action caused his mind to transcend.

Triggering the visions he had been fearful of.

As he stared forward his mind began to race forcing him into the depths of his consciousness towards uncharted realms.

As he sunk deeper into the darkness a plethora of visions caught his eyes only to be viewed in quick sessions. Something different than how his visions normally came about.

As he stood silently within the dark void, the world around him began to crack taking the shape shards of glass holding memories throughout his life.

From the present day...

The past...

And the not so distant future...

The sight of these varying memories and potential futures did cause his curiousity to rise, but it also left a layer of fear deep within his heart.

What if he witnessed something he wasn't ready to see.

Perhaps the end of his path?

His death, or the demise of someone he cared about?

The realization of whether or not he could achieve his goal?

Or even the life that Suzume has wanted with him.

Every possible future laid in front of him for his eyes to see. Only to remain an overwhelming amount of footage that his brain couldn't possibly handle, and not in a million lifetimes would he be able to see.

As the shards of glass continued to expand more visions began to appear within them. Some with people he had not recognized, at least not intially.

As he continue to stare deeply at the influx of memories a single moment caught his eye.

He wasn't sure why he was drawn to it, but for some reason he couldn't help but simply stare. Even if he looked like a lost fool within this broken world.

"Does it scare you."

A light voice tickled the back of neck, only to force him to turn around. The voice carried itself through the air, with as much grace as a feather.

Ren's eyes widened as they laid upon the stare of a young woman. She didn't look much older than him, perhaps closer to the appearance of a junior.

She seemed a bit mouse like, having a small frame, that fit her soft voice.

Although that was the only thing about her that seemed mouse like.

Her eyes were as bright as his own, and her skin nearly as dark. Her hair was tied in a collection of unique knots and braids, and gave her the appearance of almost native royalty.

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