Chapter 130: Twin Suns

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Seth let out a variety of noises as he struggled to finish his last rep. Ever since Ren beat him in the tournament Seth has divvied out a bit of time in each day to spend building up his strength. Developing numerous training methods to strengthen his body as well as his Meta Ability.

This took form in a series of exercises; ranging from 13 mile runs in the morning, muscle building in the afternoon, to sword training at night. Some of these exercises were harder than others, like when Arthur would task him to push vans across the school football field for hours.

But none of these exercises were nearly as hard as the sword lessons Arthur would divvy out. As a teacher Arthur was fairly lax, being no where as strict as some of the other heroes appeared to be. People like Sayuri, Erica or even Fujin all gaining reputations for being harsh tutors. Arthur on the other hand would crack jokes mid fight or even stop on occasion for snacks or to hit on Mary, Sarah, or her personal maid Ellie.

Even though Arthur being a womanizer wasn't something Seth was all to surprised by. Mainly because of Arthur's fan base mainly consisting of young women who always seemed to swarm him like a horny mob. It still annoyed Seth to his core, not only because Arthur seem way too laid back for a pro hero. But also because Sarah, Ellie, and Mary never seemed to reject Arthur's advances. With Sarah being the most smitten with him out of everyone in the group.

"That British cunt." Seth groaned as he pushed the bar upwards before bringing it back down to his chest. Veins formed along the base of Seth's neck as he continued to push himself exceeding his limits. "Who does he think he is skipping training at a time like this!" Seth growled pushing the bar upwards once more.

For the past week Arthur has infrequently been in and out of the Vermillion home. Swinging by for a handful of minutes to check on Nyssa or to pass on any news regarding the Lupus situation.

Whenever Seth could confront Arthur about the training he'd always be hard pressed for an answer. Normally responding with uneasy quips like "We'll get to it eventually." or "In due time." and even "I'm sorry Seth I'll train you tomorrow." This constant negligence as a mentor sent a fire within Seth's belly filling him with rage and stress.

"That lax fuck...I'll show up next time meet..." Seth growled finishing his last rep "I can get stronger without his crummy help!" Seth tossed the bar upwards placing it on the hooks. He let out a heavy breath looking at the series of plates on each side before sighing. "Completely useless..." he complained wiping sweat from his forehead.



With the sound of a large shockwave the entire Vermillion home shook as if struck by a massive earthquake. "What the hell?" Seth questioned jumping up and running towards the window. Seth glanced around noticing the garden area was torn apart with large claw shaped crevices in the grass.

"?!?" Seth tilted his head out more to look around still a bit confused about what could've called this when he heard Sarah screaming. "SETH! SETH PLEASE HELP NYSSA SHE'S!" Seth snapped his head back to see Sarah wheeling away as fast as she could completely out of breath. While Nyssa was charging at her from behind, attacking like a mad animal while Sarah exhaustively defended herself with small waves of iron sand.

Unfortunately unlike Seth, Sarah wasn't born with the Vermillion's iron bodies. Capable of withstanding loads of punishment. Instead she had a physique similar to their late mother Samantha, being frail and incapable of taking much physical strain. With the addition of Sarah still being incapable of using her legs, Seth immediately knew how dire of a situation Sarah was in.

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