Chapter 138: Twin Dragons

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After their long chat Suzume and Seth returned to the Vermillion Mansion.

"Are you sure about this?" Seth asked stopping in front of the room. He had already witnessed first hand what Nyssa was capable of twice. The last thing he wanted was to see anything like that happen again. Suzume brushed his comment with a wave of her hand not seeming concerned in the slightest "I'll be fine Nyssa won't eat me."

On their way back Seth had explained everything he knew regarding Nyssa's situation. Prompting Suzume to be more adamant about speaking with Nyssa alone. Of course he had his own grievances with this, but after realizing Suzume wasn't going to take no for an answer Seth gave in.

"How can you be so sure?" Seth asked "Sarah seemed pretty certain Nyssa wouldn't do the same for her. But like I told you before she ended up in the jaws of a dragon. So what's stopping Nyssa from doing the same to you?" Suzume slightly grinned flashing her cool blue eyes to a reptilian gold. "Did you forget that I am a dragon as well?" Suzume placed her hand onto the door slowly creaking it open "Try not to worry so much, it's unbecoming of a hero."

Seth's face curled at Suzume's words as if being contaminated by her overconfidence "Why you..." before he could let out any remarks Seth bit his tongue. "Before you go." Seth gestured for one of his servants to come closer. Soon Desmond appeared holding a large dish filled to the brim with bloody and uncooked meat.

"What's this?" Suzume asked a bit unsure why Seth would want her to have raw meat. "It's food for Nyssa." Suzume immediately flushed the color from her face before letting it return in a light shade of green. "T-That's disgusting...what is she a dog?" Suzume gagged picking up one of the slabs of meat "You could've at least cleaned it."

"Oh shut up, I'm sure you've seen worse with the prizes your Mother has brought home." Suzume frowned and went silent knowing Seth's words to be true. "Sorry..." Seth immediately apologized pulling back on his insults, he had grown so used to insulting people that sometimes it slipped out unintentionally. "Anyways as I explained before since Nyssa has been in our care it seems like her taste buds have changed. I don't know to what extent, but I do know Ellie and Sarah both mentioned that Nyssa seemed to be set off at the smell of blood. So I'd assume like an animal she might prefer her food raw."

Suzume's frown only grew the longer she stared at the meat. "That's cruel..." Suzume thought back to the times when Erica would invite her over for dinner. How they'd all sit at the table and enjoy Erica's delicious cooking laughing about various things. Suzume remembered how Nyssa would always ask her questions, like if she was Ren's girlfriend and if she was would that make them sisters? But Suzume was never able to give her a straight answer.

With Nyssa's current condition, Erica's injuries, and Ren's sudden disappearance Suzume could only wonder if there would ever be a day where they could go back to how it was back then. Where they could all sit around and enjoy dinner together without worrying about what comes next.

"Suzume, are you sure you're alright to do this?" Seth's voice pulled Suzume out of her mental void, bringing her back to reality only to make her remember the severity of the situation. "Y-yeah yeah I'm fine." Suzume assured accepting the platter of meat "I'll try not to be too long."

"Okay good, I don't want you stressing her out or anything. So if she gets agitated or even looks like she is gonna transform leave as quickly as you can." Suzume tilted her head somewhat and stepped closer to the door "I understand. I'll call for you if I need anything." With those final words Suzume disappeared behind the door quickly appearing on the otherside.

"Nyssa?" Suzume called entering the room with a clear mind. The room was dark and quiet, far too quiet for a room belonging to a growing girl. Suzume wandered for a bit using her Kuso to maneuver through the dark as if it were daylight. "Nyssa!" Suzume called again this time expecting an answer. The room was much bigger than Suzume could've expected far larger than any bedroom within her own home. Even though the Fumikos and Vermillions were of the same tier of nobility, it was clear as day which family Vermillion City favored more.

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