Chapter 194: Gods of Destruction

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"I want to be strong. I want to be powerful and indestructible. I want to be a divine threat. Mightier than a hurricane, and more feared than a hailstorm. I want to become a force of nature so violent that even the messengers of God fear me."

"I want to destroy everything..."

In the beginning, there was nothing—just a subtle breeze. A wind gently rustled leaves and gently guided the fireflies through the air.

The fireflies buzzed and flashed their dim lights. The fireflies were the only light that existed in the jungle. The vastness of the night consumed the jungle with pools of shadows, making it difficult to see anything that wasn't standing inches from your face.

However, the darkness didn't bother the wildlife. The various beasts of the island enjoyed the night. They adapted to it, developing night vision to help them traverse the world of shadows.

Beasts roamed the blackness of the night. It was a pack of Hell Hounds. Each one possessed fur blacker than coal, and all of them had eyes as red as fire. Within the pack was the Alpha. A large hound with a scarred snout and chipped fangs.

The Alpha snarled at the other hounds ordering them to close in. The Alpha was the largest of the pack. He was nearly twice the size of Mercy in her biggest form. The Alpha stood taller than a truck and was longer than an anaconda.

Despite his size, the Alpha moved swiftly. It defied the laws of physics by crushing the wind with its unrivaled speed and overwhelming weight.

In its massive strides, trees were blown apart, and lesser animals were trampled on. Who were they in comparison to him? He was the King of the island. He dictated who lived and who died. To the Alpha everyone on the island was his prey, including the foreigners who invaded his land.

"!!!" From behind, the Alpha heard his betas howl. Their voices touched the skies and fell to the Earth. Displaying a level of volume the Alpha didn't think was achievable.

The Alpha came to a full stop. He stomped his feet, trampling them against the Earth as if it belonged to him. He turned to his betas his soldiers and growled at them, once again asserting his dominance as the Alpha, and no one in the pack dishes out orders besides him.

The other Hounds whined. Some begged for him to sniff. But the Alpha didn't listen. Why would he? Why would he listen to a beta?

The Alpha trotted over to the whining hounds. He stood over them, using his massive size to his advantage. He growled at them and barked at them. He told them to raise their heads. He told them to stop whining and to howl. They were part of the largest pack on the island. They should be proud to be considered the strongest Hell Hounds on Crescent Island.

The Hounds continued. They trotted through the jungle, creating a melody of whines and soft cries. All the betas could sense it. They smelled the stench of death. It was close and approaching fast.

Unanimously they all wondered, why could they smell it and not him?

The Hounds stopped before a massive riverbed. The Alpha went to the edge first and lapped up some water. He was always the first to drink and the first to eat. Every night on the first of the month when the moon was high and the clouds were gone, the Alpha would call for a hunt.

Food was scarce in the beginning of the month. The Alpha would always feed himself and leave scraps for the others. When there were no more deer to eat, he would call for them to fetch more, but he knew they wouldn't be able to provide an ample amount unless he accompanied them.

The river smelled rich and wet, but it wasn't the smell of the river that called him. The Alpha focused on what was in the river, immediately recognizing it as a threat.

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