Chapter 36: Silver Emotions

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A thunderous roar tore through the air like a knife through butter forcing the ground to rattle.

Blue eyes narrowed focusing their view entirely on the massive winged creature in the distance. It looked equally terrifying in appearance as it did ridiculous in size.

It's violet scales covered it's entire body shielding it almost like a thick layer of armor. They seemed triangle shaped and shined like freshly mined amethyst illuminating in its newly birthed resilience.

However the ugliness that it held didn't only come from its scales, but it's fangs as well. The teeth that decorated it's mouth were jagged and crimson stained, similar to that of a worn out jigsaw.

With the horror that came from its overall appearance its size only magnified the fear it instilled in people. It was nearly twice the size of the warehouse it stood upon, and its wings shrouded the entire block in a veil of everlasting darkness.

With a wretched movement of its snake like neck it let out an ungodly screech followed by a stream of flames.

The orange-red flames that spewed from its mouth cooked the sky like a roasted hog evaporating the clouds that were resting in place. As the flames grew larger and expanded only ever so vastly, the navy tint  that the sky once held slowly faded only to be replaced by a swarm of much warmer and dangerous colors.

Layers of reds and oranges matched the night sky giving it the appearance that the sky was burning as well.

Seth stepped back cautiously unsure what to make of this bastardous creature that had swallowed his entire view. He let out a hardened breath before glancing over to the side to see his elder sister with an expression matching his own.

A bit fearful, but not cowardly. Seeing her make a face like that brought a bit of pain to his heart. Her appearance in general already was nearly identical to his late mother. Which was one of the reasons why he couldn't bring himself to form a stronger connection to her in fear that he'd lose her all over again.

She had light and fair skin, nearly as white as the snow that covered the streets in December. Brown eyes that were soft and gentle like the leaves that would break away from the trees in autumn. Her other features however were akin to his own, mostly due to them being Irish twins (Being born 9 months apart) and the powerful Vermillion blood that coursed through her veins.

Being born with silver hair, that was light and fluffy that covered her entire head and fell down to her mid back. She held an angular jaw just like his own, however being a bit rounded at the bottom matching her face quite nicely.

It wasn't a surprise that so many boys at the school fawned over her, holding the name of a noble bloodline and having a face a pure as pearls would make anyone's heart sway at the sight of her.

However despite her soft and gentle features her personality could come across as a bit jarring. Unlike to the people at her school who praise her like a goddess among men believing that she was someone to have her hand constantly held, that couldn't be further from the truth.

She ferocity she held within her eyes were like that of a wolf, strong and stern and loyal to those who have earned her respect.

Her eyes glowed with certainty as if she had already knew what to do next. Her eyes shifted to her left matching with Seth's as she nodded slowly.

She could see the nervousness held within him, something that came across as a bit jarring at first, but understandable with the situation that they were faced with.

"You better not wuss out Mr. Class President."

Seth's eyes narrowed even more becoming calloused like how he usually had been. He didn't speak for a moment thinking it would be best to not acknowledge her comment deeming it as beneath him.

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