Chapter 30: Innocence

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"So is that everything?"

"Yeah it is"

A young man glanced upwards only to meet the gaze of a blue skinned officer. The officers stare was tense enough to make the average person tremble in anxiety, but for Ren those feelings had already left him.

The teen crossed his legs and pressed his hand against his chin lightly as varying thoughts began to race deeply within his head.

At the same time the sound of a door creaking screeched loudly sending a light terror within the home. Officer quickly turned only to see a tall woman walking inside. Her skin was fair, and her body had a slightly curvy but athletic build to it. Her soft pink lips were somewhat visible, but were nearly hidden within her own mouth.

"What is going on here?"

Her brown eyes lowered clashing stares with Ren forcing him to look away with a face exhibiting nothing but failure.

"Miss Erica..."

Erica spoke once more raising her tone slightly, her voice also became more ragged and distressed.

"Why are there 4 cop cars outside of my house!"

The officer turned to her quickly addressing her complaints, his voice was filled with sympathy but he was stern and earnest.

"We received a call about 30 minutes ago about a kidnapping that look place at your daughter's school." The blue skinned officer let out a troubled sigh and adjusted his cap.

"It seems Nyssa Masahiro has been kidnapped by one of the school staff."

A light vein began to pulsate along the base of her forehead. The autumn eyed woman took a deep breath before letting a growl escape from her mouth.

"Masahiro isn't her last name..."

The officer jumped slightly before looking back at the clipboard "Uh I suppose you are right...It says here you legally changed her name to your maiden one...Hale."

"My apologies."

Erica look at Ren before looking back at the officer and spoke bluntly. It was clear that she was very irritated and all the patience she normally had was running thin.

"Can someone tell me who the hell took my daughter!"

The officer lightly gulped but before he could explain Ren interrupted him.

"Her teacher Bill Adonti, it seems like he had taken her only a few minutes before me and Suzume arrived at the school."

Erica's eyes softened and quivered when she heard that, her lips remained firm unable to say anything as her mind raced to process the entire situation.

"Me and Suzume tried to find him as well, her seismic sense didn't help much since he was so quick to escape the school with her."

"I see..." her voice was light and seemed a bit off almost as if she were holding something in.

"We will call you as soon as we get any updates on her situation." The Officer briefly explained "You know how these situations can be with children of this standard."

Ren raised a brow at his statement "Children of this standard? What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Children of Heroes ranked within the top 10 are treated much differently than standard citizens. They are given more privileges and receive benefits that most people aren't able to get. Like having college tuition paid for, or top tier medical care."

"But in situations like this are a little different..."

"When the child of a hero is put into harms way the Hero association tends to send someone formidable to handle the situation."

"Usually someone with the rank of 15 and above."

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